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New in Grafana 7.4: Export usage data to Loki to help manage dashboard sprawl and troubleshoot faster

We first released the usage insights Enterprise feature in Grafana 7.0 based on feedback from customers that they would like to better understand how their users are interacting with Grafana, including the dashboards they visit, the information they query, and where they run into issues. What we learned was that dashboard sprawl is a real issue: Administrators estimate that almost 60% of dashboards might not be used at all.

All together now: Bringing your GKE logs to the Cloud Console

Troubleshooting an application running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) often means poking around various tools to find the key bit of information in your logs that leads to the root cause. With Cloud Operations, our integrated management suite, we’re working hard to provide the information that you need right where and when you need it. Today, we’re bringing GKE logs closer to where you are—in the Cloud Console—with a new logs tab in your GKE resource details pages.

Metricbeat Deep Dive: Hands-On Metricbeat Configuration Practice

Metricbeat, an Elastic Beat based on the libbeat framework from Elastic, is a lightweight shipper that you can install on your servers to periodically collect metrics from the operating system and from services running on the server. Everything from CPU to memory, Redis to NGINX, etc… Metricbeat takes the metrics and statistics that it collects and ships them to the output that you specify, such as Elasticsearch or Logstash.

Doubling Down: What It's Like Contributing to Open Source at Logz.io

Logz.io has always prided itself as a company pushing the use of open source tech. As we have moved to expand our reach with metrics and traces over the past year and a half, we have doubled down on our own contributions to the community. With (distributed) traces in particular, we have been able to forge ahead. Our relationship with the teams at Jaeger and OpenTelemetry have really blossomed (and we are kind of proud to have supported the latter in the run-up to the OpenTelemetry v1.0 release).

Exploring the Value of your Google Cloud Logs and Metrics

With our ability to ingest GCP logs and metrics into Splunk and Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring, there’s never been a better time to start driving value out of your GCP data. We’ve already started to explore this with the great blog from Matt here: Getting to Know Google Cloud Audit Logs. Expanding on this, there’s now a pre-built set of dashboards available in a Splunkbase App: GCP Application Template for Splunk!

Analyze JMX to Better Assess The Health Of Your Java Applications

Java Management Extensions, or JMX, was first added to J2EE, and it has been part of J2SE since the 5.0 release. The JMX API aims to provide a standard for monitoring and managing Java-enabled applications and services. In this article, we will explain the JMX architecture and show you how to pull the metrics that it generates into your Sumo Logic account in order to gain unique insights and a more thorough understanding of the health of your application and services.

Logging Errors in Web Workers

Release 3.8.0 of the TrackJS browser agent added support for Web Workers, which adds some awesome new observability to the background tasks of your web applications. Many development teams have adopted Web Workers to their web applications to add offline support, caching, or to process heavy tasks. Workers allow web apps to feel faster by removing work from the user interface thread.

12 Best Docker Container Monitoring Tools

Monitoring systems help DevOps teams detect and solve performance issues faster. With Docker and Kubernetes steadily on the rise, it’s important to get container monitoring and log management right from the start. This is no easy feat. Monitoring Docker containers is very complex. Developing a strategy and building an appropriate monitoring system is not simple at all.

Increasing limits for three key Cloud Monitoring features

Cloud Monitoring is one of the easiest ways you can gain visibility into the performance, availability, and health of your applications and infrastructure. Today, we’re excited to announce the lifting of three limits within Cloud Monitoring. First, the maximum number of projects that you can view together is now 375 (up from 100). Customers with 375 or fewer projects can view all their metrics at once, by putting all their projects within a single workspace.

Cloud Data Retention & Analysis: Unlocking the Power of Your Data

Enterprise data growth is accelerating rapidly in 2021, challenging organizations to adopt cloud data retention strategies that maximize the value of data and fulfill compliance needs while minimizing costs. To meet this challenge, organizations are adopting or refining their cloud data retention strategies. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the state of data retention and analytics in the cloud.