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5 Things to Know When Choosing Open Source SIEM Tools

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools focus on insights into IT environments and tracking records of all their operations. These IT environments can be application infrastructures, physical networks, and cloud networks. SIEM initially evolved from the log management discipline, which involved integrating security events with security information to collect, analyze, and report on activities in networks.

Capabilities of Elixir's Logger

Logs are an important part of your application and logging shouldn’t be one of the last things you think of. You should configure your log system, formatter, and style as soon as you start the development of your app. Also, do your best to document the process and share how it works with the rest of your team. In this article, we’re going to demonstrate how logs work in Elixir. We’ll jump into Elixir’s Logger module, which brings a lot of power to logging features.

Understanding the Layers of Log Infrastructure

If you’re reading this article, you’re most likely looking for a simple one-stop-shop way to understand logs. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but logs are not simple enough to deal with easily. In fact, as you start approaching this topic on a practical level you’ll quickly realize how complex and annoying it truly is.

Prometheus vs. ELK

In today’s world, with many microservices fuelling hundreds of components, the failure of just one piece can cause a crash for the whole system. For example, a lack of memory in one component can cause a database failure. This database failure could be the reason for authentication problems for particular users, causing those users to not be able to login. And of course, finding the core problem manually can be complex and time-consuming.

Monitoring Elastic Cloud deployment logs and metrics

The ability to monitor your Elastic Cloud deployment is critical for helping ensure its health, performance, and security. Our Elastic Observability solution provides unified visibility across your entire ecosystem — including your Elastic Cloud deployments. Elastic Observability allows you to bring your logs, metrics, and APM traces together at scale in a single stack so you can monitor and react to events happening anywhere in your environment.

Is your logging ready for the future?

Log scaling is something that should be top of mind for organizations seeking to future-proof their logging solutions. Logging requirements will grow through use, particularly if not maintained or utilized effectively. There are barriers to successful log scaling, and in this post we’ll be discussing storage volume problems; increased load on the ELK stack, the amount of ‘noise’ generated by a growing ELK stack, and the pains of managing burgeoning clusters of nodes.

Monitoring Jenkins: Essential Jenkins Logs to Watch Out For

Monitoring Jenkins is a serious challenge. Logging is often overlooked, but it provides a wealth of information about the health of your Jenkins instance. The following are some approaches to generating informative logging to these issues, that can help to monitor and provide suitable explanations of where the problems lie; even identifying what the possible solutions are.

Using SolarWinds Loggly With MongoDB New Structured Logs

Last month, MongoDB released v4.4 of their database; the new release contains several changes and improvements, but the introduction of structured JSON logging caught our eye, which makes it easier to extract valuable insights from the logs using products like SolarWinds® Loggly®. In this post, we’ll review how to get started sending your MongoDB logs to Loggly and some of the insights you can easily get from your server logs when you upgrade to the latest version.

Developing a Dedicated Log Collection & Management Plan

When it comes to your network and server processes, one of the key ways your IT team will collect data and insight is through event logging. Collecting the right event data will help inform both essential processes and services, as well as your network security measures, which is why having the proper collection plan in place is key. At Pandora FMS, we offer a host of comprehensive log collection and network monitoring solutions designed to be easily customized.