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How to monitor Kubernetes with Grafana and Prometheus: Inside Powder's observability stack

David Calvert is a site reliability engineer working remotely from the south of France. He’s currently focused on observability, reliability, and security aspects of cloud infrastructure. You can find him as dotdc on GitHub and @0xDC_ on Twitter. Over the past three years, I’ve built and operated Kubernetes clusters for two different companies — the first one on-premises, and the second on a public cloud platform for my current job at Powder.

Author's Cut-A Sample of Sampling, and a Whole Lot of Observability at Scale

Brick by brick, block by block—if you’ve been with us throughout our Author’s Cut blog series (and if you haven’t, you can go catch up), you’ve seen us build the case for observability from the ground up. We’ve covered structured events, the core analysis loop, and use cases for managing applications in production—and that’s just to start.

Bifurcating Observability Data To Multiple Destinations

Are you just getting started with Cribl Stream? Or maybe you’re well on your way to becoming a certified admin through our Cribl Certified Observability Engineer certification offered by Cribl University. Regardless, using Cribl Stream to send data from one source to many destinations is something you’ll want to try. So if you’re ready, read on!

The Reality of Machine Learning in Network Observability

For the last few years, the entire networking industry has focused on analytics and mining more and more information out of the network. This makes sense because of all the changes in networking over the last decade. Changes like network overlays, public cloud, applications delivered as a service, and containers mean we need to pay attention to much more diverse information out there.

The Year of the Observability Pipeline

As we begin the new year, it is customary to reflect and identify areas we can continue to grow in 2023. Whether it’s joining the local gym, starting a new diet, or taking up a new hobby, this time is always full of promise to continually improve. The same can be said for digital businesses of every size and across every vertical. Macroeconomic trends have especially made this time one of reflection for a number of organizations.

Applied Observability for Networks Drives Better Business Performance

Even though 2022 hasn’t even ended, Gartner has already charted its top technology trends for 2023. In this blog, we’ll look at how Applied Observability for networks — which Gartner lists as one of the top three trending technology topics in the “optimization” category — helps the organization translate network performance into business performance.

Coralogix Makes Observability Collaborative

In the world of observability, there are several distinct problems to solve. Fast queries, intuitive visualizations, scalable storage, and more. The technical problems receive the most attention; however, there is another, more subtle problem. How do observability platforms facilitate collaboration on the scale needed by organizations?

Six Key Observability Principles for Understanding Modern Applications

The rise of modern applications has kicked basic monitoring tools to the curb. With observability, teams can proactively know, in real-time, what’s happening across the entire stack. Observability allows us to take a holistic view of our IT systems and learn about the current state based on the environment and the data it generates. But how do you properly implement observability? Here are 6 guiding principles to make sure your IT and DevOps teams are set up for success.

Observability vs. Monitoring

Today, organizations are moving toward distributed systems to provide top-notch application services. This trend has made both observability and monitoring essential practices. As observability and monitoring are often used interchangeably, many people tend to get confused. It’s crucial to understand the difference between the two to use the right approach for a given scenario.

Dos and Don'ts of Observability: Lessons Learned from RedMonk

On November 16, 2022, I sat down with analyst KellyAnn Fitzpatrick from RedMonk to discuss my favorite topic: observability. This time, we looked at observability in a context of what to do and what to avoid doing as you’re starting and going on an observability journey. Click the image below (or here) for a replay of the session. A machine-generated transcript is available at the end of the post.