Full-Cycle Observability With Dynatrace and Lightrun
Getting a good grasp on your application, especially when it is distributed across multiple clouds, kubernetes clusters and serverless functions is not an easy fit.
Getting a good grasp on your application, especially when it is distributed across multiple clouds, kubernetes clusters and serverless functions is not an easy fit.
Miss O11y is delighted to welcome our newest band member: Martin Thwaites! Martin has been a member of the Honeycomb user community practically since its inception. He is a UK-based consultant who specializes in helping teams scale up and tackle challenging business problems, and a long-time contributor to the Azure and.NET communities. We think he looks ✨amazing✨ in a tiara.
OpenTelemetry has been getting a lot of attention in the observability field. Moreover, in StackState’s latest release, we added support for OpenTelemetry traces. Melcom van Eeden, software developer at StackState, was one of our developer champions who made this possible. In addition to joining us on this episode of StackPod, he wrote a blog post on how to leverage OpenTelemetry with StackState and he recorded a tutorial video about the topic.
It’s time we had a real conversation about why UX designers everywhere are still unhappy, why that elusive “seat at the table” feels so impossibly out of reach to so many (even at companies that embrace design), and how this impacts your business Design is facing down an epidemic of designers who feel burned out, taken for granted, marginalized, and disrespected. Yes, there is something different about our experience compared to other disciplines.
DevOps: Development and Operations joined together in perfect harmony, one feeding the other and vice-versa. That's the dream. But it's easy for the link between the two to be broken. 'Dev' stops talking to 'Ops,' or Ops falls out with Dev, often because of a lack of understanding of each other's goals. That's where Monitoring and Observability come in. They're like the mediators whose job is to make sure the two main players in DevOps keep that metaphorical dialogue open.
Two recent studies conducted by Nucleus Research, focused on how a global telecommunications provider, and multi-line insurance company realized quantified business value through Elastic. The companies that were studied saw great levels of satisfaction from deploying Elastic Cloud. Through their adoption they were able to increase the maturity of their tech stack and circumvent prior limitations in scalability.
Keeping your systems secure is a never-ending challenge. Not only is it necessary to monitor and secure your own tech stack, but each new service a company uses creates another potential avenue for bad actors to try to exploit for their own ends.