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Pipelines CI/CD Completes Cloud DevOps on Azure

For a complete JFrog DevOps SaaS solution hosted on Azure, the puzzle is now complete. JFrog DevOps Pipelines CI/CD is now available for all JFrog Cloud plan levels hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud service. With Pipelines automation, now all the key elements of the JFrog DevOps Platform can be hosted on Azure as a SaaS subscription. That includes the Artifactory universal binary repository manager, and Xray software component analysis.

Welcome To The Show - The Bintray Replacement

It’s finally happened. After months of whispers, JFrog have announced the sunsetting date for Bintray - their distribution add-on to their long-standing on-premises Artifactory product. It’s officially shutting down on May 1, 2021. Cloudsmith is a direct replacement for Bintray. And Artifactory. And their X-Ray product. Don’t get us wrong - JFrog has achieved a lot over the years and we would never publicly speak out against them.

Into the Sunset on May 1st: Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter

JFrog is making some important changes that will impact users of Bintray, JCenter (part of Bintray), GoCenter, and ChartCenter. Bintray has provided the open source community a free, universal cloud platform for publishing and distributing binaries. Bintray helped JFrog support the Java community as the host of the JCenter repository for Java OSS libraries, packages and components. We launched GoCenter and ChartCenter to extend similar services to the Go and cloud-native communities.

Automatically debug and test CI/CD Pipeline with Dashbird

In this article, we will build a CI/CD pipeline with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and debug a test it using Dashbird’s observability tool. In 2021, continuous integration and continuous delivery, or short CI/CD, should be part of every modern software development process. It helps deliver new features and bug fixes much faster.

How I Leaped Forward My Jenkins Build with JFrog Pipelines

Jenkins is the most popular open source CI tool on the market today. Being an early entry into the marketplace, Jenkins popularized CI. Like other CI tools Jenkins empowers developers to automatically build, integrate, and test code as soon as they commit it to the source repository. This allows developers to catch bugs quickly and ultimately deploy much faster.

Surviving the Disaster: How to Identify Bugs Immediately and Get Back on Track

As all developers know, when building software things don’t always go as planned. In fact, most of the time they don’t. With today’s modern distributed architectures it’s more important than ever to have the proper tools in your toolbelt. This allows us to automate as much of the software delivery lifecycle as possible and then be able to immediately triage issues when they arise.

A Two-Way Jira Speedway, the JFrog Artifactory App

The path between two clouds ought to be a speedy two-way street. That’s the DevOps pipeline principle behind the JFrog Artifactory App for Jira, which forges a traceable link between your issues in Jira Cloud and your builds in Artifactory on the JFrog DevOps Platform for cloud. Once the app for Jira has been installed you can: The JFrog Artifactory app, now available in Atlassian Marketplace, currently works with JFrog Platform cloud accounts and Atlassian cloud accounts.

What Is Zero Trust & How Do We Implement It to Run Secure CI/CD Workflows in Kubernetes?

Zero trust is a security concept that is centered around the idea that organizations should never trust anyone or anything that does not originate from their domains. Organizations seeking zero trust automatically assume that any external services it commissions have security breaches and may leak sensitive information.