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Deploying applications to Kubernetes from your CI pipeline with Shipa

Kubernetes can bring a wide collection of advantages to a development organization. Properly using Kubernetes can significantly improve productivity, empower you to better utilize your cloud spend, and improve application stability and reliability. On the flip side, if you are not properly leverag Kubernetes, your would-be benefits become drawbacks. As a developer, this can become incredibly frustrating when your focus is on delivering quality code fast.

Continuous integration for a Bazel Android project

Bazel (pronounced like the tasty herb: “bay-zell”) is an universal build tool developed by Google. Some notable companies like Twitter and projects like the Android Open Source project have migrated to Bazel. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a Bazel Android project and set it up for continuous integration with CircleCI. We will wrap up by automatically running tests and producing a binary APK file. In addition to the written guide there is a working sample project.

What's New with JFrog Artifactory and Xray

Get the latest on self-hosted Docker rate limits, cutting through violation noise and new package type support. Without doubt, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years for everyone in recent history, but especially for those in the world of DevOps. JFrog has strived to continue developing and innovating at the same pace, to give our customers an even better end-to-end DevOps experience, and help customers maintain their drum-beat of on-time releases.

Automate Your AWS Lambda Development Cycle

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. It is great if you want to create a cost-effective, on-demand service. You can use it as part of a bigger project where you have multiple services or as a standalone service to do a certain task like controlling Alexa Skill.

We're Bringing Cloud DevOps to Government Clouds on AWS and Azure

Helping software producers achieve compliance with regulatory requirements has been a huge part of our focus at JFrog. That’s why many in the most regulated industries such as banking, finance, manufacturing, and retail are our customers for DevOps. We’re excited to announce that JFrog DevOps Platform solutions – JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray – are now available with native deployment templates for customers using AWS GovCloud (US) and Azure Government clouds.

Build Trust with a Custom Domain

Security in software is now everyone’s problem. We can no longer simply rely on InfoSec teams or your equivalent Gary “he-likes-security” to handle security-related processes and issues. All software, tools, infrastructure, and services need to be trusted. It is important to us at Cloudsmith to provide you with the ability to build that trust within your teams or with your customers. Cloudsmith allows you to use your own domain name for your repositories.

Microservices Asynchronous Communication and Messaging | JFrog Xray

Microservices have changed the way we build applications. Software design has moved from large monolithic applications (which are not really adaptable to changes and improvements) to a collection of small, independent processes infrastructure which is far more suited to adapt to changes in today’s agile world.

Is my CI pipeline vulnerable?

Your continuous integration (CI) pipelines are at the core of the change management process for your applications. When set up correctly, the CI pipeline can automate many manual tasks to ensure that your application and the environments it runs in are consistent and repeatable. This pipeline can be an integral part of your security strategy if you use it to scan applications, containers, and infrastructure configuration for vulnerabilities.

The path to production: how and where to segregate test environments

Bringing a new tool into an organization is no small task. Adopting a CI/CD tool, or any other tool should follow a period of research, analysis and alignment within your organization. In my last post, I explained how the precursor to any successful tool adoption is about people: alignment on purpose, getting some “before” metrics to support your assessment, and setting expectations appropriately.

Using the CircleCI API to build a deployment summary dashboard

The CircleCI API provides a gateway for developers to retrieve detailed information about their pipelines, projects, and workflows, including which users are triggering the pipelines. This gives developers great control over their CI/CD process by supplying endpoints that can be called to fetch information and trigger processes remotely from the user’s applications or automation systems.