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Integrating a Cloudsmith repository with a CircleCI pipeline

At Cloudsmith, we are proud of our partnership network. We work hard to collaborate and integrate with the best DevOps tools available. Building performant, modern workflows requires frictionless integrations between tooling. Integrating Cloudsmith repositories with your CI/CD processes facilitates rapid development. Build, test, and deploy/distribute your software in repeatable, performant ways.

The Year DevOps Leaped to the Center

At the beginning of 2020, none of us could have imagined what we would be talking and thinking about at the end of the year. At JFrog, we began by talking about unifying everything in the DevOps lifecycle. Of course very quickly, the message of unity and togetherness would soon become even bigger than we could imagine in light of the global pandemic.

Codefresh vs Spinnaker

The appearance of containers and their performance benefits compared to the existing paradigm of virtual machines has forced several companies to rethink their software lifecycle, especially the delivery part. Continuous integration and deployment tools (CI/CD) are passing through a second renaissance phase which is characterized by new approaches centered around short-lived environments that are launched and destroyed in a much more dynamic way.

Simply the Best: JFrog's Top DevOps Articles from 2020

In 2020, JFrog’s experts published a treasure trove of content — blogs, articles, infographics, and more — to share insights and advice with our customers and the DevOps community at large. In case you missed them — or want to re-read them — here’s a list of the most popular ones. They range from a primer on container registries to an explainer on achieving high-availability for your Maven repository.

Deploying applications to Kubernetes from your CI pipeline

Now that we know the advantages of leveraging Ketch over other tools such as Helm to ease the deployment of our applications (BLOG: Helm vs. Ketch when Deploying Applications), a good next step is for us to understand how we can tie Ketch to our CI pipeline and have an automated deployment process. For this example, we will leverage Ketch, GitHub Actions, and a Kubernetes cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Why Kubernetes is a game-changer for E-commerce

When I started working at Purple managing the E-commerce stack, I inherited a single AWS EC2 instance that represented our entire infrastructure. The problem was, the company was doubling in size every few months, and with this exponential increase in load combined with the issues we were already experiencing with this infrastructure, it became a large business risk.

Find the Path to Go Module Major Versions With GoCenter

How many major versions of a given Go module are there? That simple question doesn’t always have an easy-to-discover answer. Golang’s unique system of semantic import versioning solves some key problems of ensuring Go module compatibility across dependencies. But it also makes it a bit harder to learn what major versions of a Go module are available. The go client doesn’t provide a way to find out, nor will it inform you when a newer major version of a dependency exists.

New Elastigroup features for Jenkins plugin give users more control of their CI/CD pipelines

Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes are becoming the standard for many organizations operating in the cloud—including many Spot by NetApp customers—with Jenkins as a core tool for building, testing and deploying code through CI/CD pipelines. Spot has had an integration with Jenkins since our early days, allowing our users to configure Elastigroups managed by Jenkins and deploy jobs running on spot instances.

Looking Back at 2020 and How We Remained True to Our Mission to Make Building Software Easier Despite The Pandemic

The last year was undeniably a different year for everybody. At the start of 2020, Coronavirus spread all over the world, resulting in a global pandemic. Covid affected the way we live, work, meet other people, and has drastically changed everyone’s lives in ways that we could not ever imagine. In a world of uncertainty, DevOps has undeniably become even more important.

Track Datadog metrics in Sleuth

Data from monitoring tools like Datadog are useful for developers to help them understand whether the code they've deployed is healthy or needs to be fixed or rolled back, or when there is an incident to investigate. As a deployment mission control, Sleuth helps developers see metrics data from a developer-centric point of view - by deployment - and interpret such data for them. ‍‍