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Launching JFrog ChartCenter: The Helm Chart Central Repository for the Community

The number of publicly available Helm charts is continuously growing and while this is great for the community, it can be challenging to navigate the vast sea of Helm charts and Helm chart repositories. Like a ship’s captain, you need more than just a list of where you can go, but the details to ensure those under your charge arrive certainly and safely. Not just what can be seen on the surface, but what lies underneath, and the hazards that await.

Uptrends and your CI/CD processes

If you’ve been following along, the last two articles explained the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) processes. In this article, we look at how Uptrends fits into those processes. Uptrends can fit into your CI/CD process in several different ways. For example, you may want to use Uptrends for the testing and monitoring portions, include your monitor updates as part of your automation processes, or both.

Dispatch evolves as the only Kubernetes native, CI/CD platform leveraging Tekton, ArgoCD and more

Responsibilities are shifting between software developers and operators due to the increasing adoption of agile development practices, DevOps, and GitOps. This makes it challenging for developers and operators to effectively collaborate in order to increase developer agility and productivity. D2iQ’s Dispatch is built on a cloud native foundation, leveraging Tekton and Argo CD to simplify running CI/CD on Kubernetes with a simplified user experience.

Announcing private Terraform registry support in Cloudsmith

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: one of our core objectives in Cloudsmith is to ensure that we support pretty much every package format we possibly can. In other words, the product is universal. We want to make sure that however you built the software assets you use, Cloudsmth will provide a single, consistent way to store, manage, secure and distribute those assets. As part of that ongoing mission, today we announce support for Terraform Modules.

Announcing Codefresh Runner: a foolproof, easy way to run pipelines on your own Kubernetes clusters.

Running and maintaining CI/CD infrastructure has long been a headache for engineering teams which has led to the popularity of SAAS solutions like Codefresh cloud. But for many, this doesn’t meet their strict security requirements or allow them to access on-prem code, artifacts, or other resources.

Caching and Upstream Proxying For Maven Packages

Managing dependencies is a fact of life in modern software development. But at Cloudsmith, we’re focused on ensuring that the process is as painless as possible. To that end, we’re delighted to announce both upstream proxying and caching for Maven packages. Together they mean simpler, more reliable integration of third party packages into the development process. Better software, faster.

CI/CD: What is continuous delivery?

In the first article, we talked about CI or Continuous Integration. This post looks at the second half of the CI/CD acronym, Continuous Delivery. Continuous delivery takes the build originating in the CI process and puts it into an acceptance environment for further evaluation before promoting the code to production (the released version). To back up a moment, CI is the planning, coding, testing, and building of software in a rapidly repeating process.

Cloudsmith Now Supports Conan!

We’re delighted to announce that Cloudsmith now supports Conan! As most of your know, Cloudsmith is universal. It is our aim to support all the languages and package formats our customers and prospective customers use. We think any organization benefits from being able to store, secure, manage and distribute ALL of their software assets in a single consistent manner.

Continuous Integration & Delivery @ Moogsoft: GitLab and Jenkins Integration

Introduction One of the SRE team’s goals at Moogsoft is to make sure our feature teams have an easy path from local code changes to production. Changes rolling out to production mean new features, bug fixes, optimizations, and more, which translates into value added for our customers. In short, at Moogsoft we are all about making sure our product is continually evolving, and one way the SRE group helps is by building shared Jenkins functionality our engineers understand and can use quickly.