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Make DevSecOps So: Cloud Enterprise+ on AWS Marketplace

JFrog is pleased to announce that our comprehensive Cloud Enterprise+ plan is now available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace through Private Offers. JFrog Cloud Enterprise+ on AWS is a universal, highly-available SaaS offering of the JFrog Platform for demanding DevSecOps at global scale.

CI/CD: What is continuous integration?

Continuous integration is the first half of the acronym CI/CD, with Continuous Delivery completing the second half. In this three-part article, we look at the two halves of CI/CD to define and understand them, and then, in part three, we talk about how Uptrends fits into your CI/CD processes. Let’s get started at the beginning with continuous integration.

How to Pick a Winning Go Module

With a near-endless list of Go Modules, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which is best for your Go build. For new Go developers, it can be difficult to pick a winner for your specific use case. This phenomenon is nothing new. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why open-source is so important for developers. Oftentimes, when a module is published by a developer, it was likely developed to solve a specific problem that they are facing.

Migrating from the Codefresh registry to Google Container Registry

On July 15th the Codefresh registry that is part of all Codefresh accounts will be removed from service. The removal is part of a big round of improvements to our native integration with Docker registries. We have invested significant efforts in using Codefresh as a unified platform for Docker images and the way they are used inside CI/CD pipelines. More details on the migration actions for the Codefresh registry can be found in our timeline announcement.

Cloudsmith: Your Offsite DevOps Team

Cloudsmith can help reduce the amount of resources you need to devote to package management and DevOps, whilst delivering a better service to your teams than ever before. Here’s how and why. Package management is right at the heart of DevOps. Packages are both inputs and outputs in the DevOps process, and indeed many individual packages are both. Effectively, packages are the currency that engineers work in.

Install Artifactory HA on GKE in a Flash

Installing Artifactory on GKE, or on any Kubernetes cluster for that matter, can be complex. You have to think through several scenarios, switch back and forth between UI and command line, create a lengthy Helm command, search for acceptable parameters … and so on. All this before you have to configure certificates, licenses, database settings, node settings. But there’s more, what about future proofing it?

How to build a DevOps pipeline

DevOps is an approach to software development and delivery that emphasizes collaboration between different stakeholders. DevOps also places priority on automation and the integration of different tools in a single, well-oiled pipeline. Ultimately, DevOps boils down to cultural values and goals. When it comes to tooling and processes, there is no one right way to “do” DevOps; a variety of different approaches are possible.

Updates for the Edge - From Hours to Minutes - Sneak Preview

My name is Kat Cosgrove, and I’m a Developer Advocate at JFrog. Before that, I was an engineer on JFrog’s IoT team. Our goal is to bring DevOps to the edge, because it shouldn’t be as difficult to update these kinds of devices as it currently is. In pursuit of this goal, we found a lot of interesting solutions that we could bring into a CI/CD pipeline for embedded Linux devices, and eventually built a rather flashy proof of concept that put several of these solutions on display.

How Multi-Tenant Repositories Benefit Workflows

Software Engineering is hard. As time has progressed, the number of languages, frameworks and packages available has grown to the point where it’s rare nowadays to find a project that is developed entirely in a single language or within a single ecosystem. A typical project uses the best languages and frameworks for the job, and these frequently differ depending on what part of the project is being developed.