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JFrog Leaps for Growth: Appoints Independent Board Members From Jive, Netflix and Five9

The world of software drives digital innovation, and software delivery is increasingly being driven by JFrog. We’re honored and humbled to continue to grow alongside our customers. To enable our next leap ahead, we’re proud to announce that we’ve appointed key industry leaders as independent members of our Board of Directors that will assist us to further grow in the DevOps market.

The Definitive Guide to Configuration Management Tools

Many of the available configuration management tools, such as Ansible, Terraform, Puppet, Chef, and Saltstack provide automation for infrastructure, cloud, compliance and security management, and integration for deployment and continuous deployment (CI / CD). But what is the best tool to start automating your particular environment? The difficult task of evaluating Configuration Management Tools prevents DevOps from evolving technically and proposing improvements to the environment they manage.

Using Codefresh to Deploy a Windows Server Application to Google Kubernetes Engine

While Kubernetes has been traditionally used with Linux workloads, the desire to run Windows applications is an important need for many organizations that have critical applications running on Windows Server. Docker has already offered support for native Windows containers, so the next missing piece would be Windows node support in Kubernetes clusters. Google Cloud has recognized this gap and is now offering Windows support for Kubernetes clusters.

The Pain of Infrequent Deployments, Release Trains and Lengthy Sprints

One of the most critical metrics when it comes to the software delivery process is deployment frequency, which measures how often releases are happening in production. While in theory all organizations should strive to deploy as often as possible, in practice the benefits for frequent deployments are often overlooked or buried under endless technical debates.

Pairing Atlassian and Artifactory for 360-Degree DevOps

In agile development, planning, coding, and builds are an ongoing loop. But when a circle is broken, you can’t travel it at full speed. For users of Atlassian Bitbucket Server and Jira, JFrog’s integrations can help Artifactory bridge the gaps for continuous velocity. In a previous blog post, we discussed how to provide Jira information as a critical “why” in your build information.

Ansible vs Jenkins

One of the challenges when you’re starting out with DevOps is getting the lay of the land. There are a lot of tools out there. And when one of the goals of DevOps is continually improving your processes, it’s important for you to understand how those tools might fit in your infrastructure. At the same time, you want to be efficient. You don’t want to add tools that overlap with one another. Or tools that cost more than other effective alternatives.

Prevent unwanted changes with Sleuth deployment locking

Service alarms are going off and you are on the hook to restore stability, but you need to prevent any more changes to production while you dig further. You could "freeze" production by announcing it in the office, sending a message on Slack, or sending an email to the affected teams, but that may not be enough or may require extra work that would distract you from debugging and fixing the problem.

Making the Most of Helm 3

Building upon the success of Helm 2, Helm 3 has recently been released and the server-side component, Tiller, is finally gone! Helm works out-of-the-box with Coderesh, so releasing your Helm 3 applications is as easy as pie. In this blog post, you will learn about viewing Helm releases, and monitoring Helm environments. Still using Helm 2? Not to worry! With a click of a button, in Codefresh, you can manage both Helm 2 and Helm 3 clusters simultaneously!

How tech teams are making extraordinary progress in COVID-19 shutdown while working remotely?

COVID-19 has led businesses into extreme work challenges. To overcome these challenges, companies have shifted their working patterns and have embraced Remote Work to avoid any negative impact on employee’s health as well as the business. COVID-19 has made IT-sector office culture’s shift to remote work prominently. The tech teams, who already have DevOps processes in place, got huge benefits and did not get much impact while shifting their workplace from regular office to home.