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8 Features your e-commerce website must have to make it big

If you are running an online business, your sales will greatly depend on the quality and availability of your e-commerce website. While the quality of the product is equally important, it is your website that tempts potential consumers to buy your product. In an age when the majority of customers search and buy products or services online before visiting a store, the quality of your e-commerce website becomes more important in shaping public perception about your product.

The Next Great Thing in Rubber Duck Debugging

There's a line in the second Harry Potter film where a wizard named Mr. Weasley asks “Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?” It’s a good question. Some acceptable answers: rubber ducks are for singing to in the bath, floating down a river as part of a creative fundraiser raise money, or to entertain your dog. Developers, however, have a completely different answer to Mr. Weasley's question.

9 Gifts for Your Stressed-Out MSP Colleagues

The sprint to the end of the year can be crazy for MSPs—new maintenance templates have to be made, calendars and expenses need to be updated in the PSA, and everyone has to mentally prepare for the in-laws to visit. Don’t let the Most Hectic Time of the Year affect your bottom line or the health of your team. These nine gadgets will help boost personal productivity, reduce stress, and eliminate distractions so you can help everyone stay focused and productive.

Tracking VueJS SPA user behaviour with Google Analytics

In the past I used to use the right tool for the right purpose. This led me to employ a lot of tools, and with most turning out to use subscription-based billing, increasing our costs much more that I would have hoped for. So, I adopted a new strategy: Use as few tools as possible, but use them as much as possible.

Handling Sensu Plugin handlers in Sensu Go

In case you missed it, Sensu Go is here! And, as I wrote about previously, one of the hurdles with migrating workloads from the original version of Sensu to Sensu Go are the changes in the internal event data structure. The existing handlers and mutators in the community maintained Sensu Plugins collection might not work as expected in Sensu Go because of these event data model changes. But friends, I’m here to tell you that we’ve got this problem licked.

Healthcare IoT: Monitoring Diabetes with Logz.io

Before I hop right in, it’s important to understand a bit about diabetes. Diabetes is what happens when your body cannot produce (type 1) or respond (type 2) to insulin effectively. The impact on the body is frequently quite severe — people who have difficulty controlling their blood sugar levels run the risk of losing feeling in their fingers and/or toes or even going into a coma if their blood sugar is either too high or too low.

Distrusted Symantec Certificates are Added to SSL Monitoring

Google had announced that Chrome would begin distrusting certificates issued by Symantec Corporation’s PKI and the decision is followed by other major browsers. These are the certificates by Thawte, VeriSign, Equifax, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL that are issued before 1st of December 2017.

2018 Website Outages: Key Lessons from Popular Website Downtime

Now that companies depend on the cloud for access to key services and business operations, downtime has a larger impact on productivity. Uptime is just as critical to small businesses as it is to major ecommerce retailers on Black Friday. Even the public relies on various services like Alexa and email to be available throughout the day. Looking at major outages over the past year provides insight into how companies prepare to handle these events.

Why MSPs Need Application Availability Monitoring

I’ve lived in the virtualization and cloud world for a really long time. During that time, I’ve also seen the impacts on users when you don’t have a good performance monitoring and troubleshooting system in place. That said, what if you have managed services? Do you understand what challenges managed services providers (MSPs) face when working without a monitoring and troubleshooting tool? How are you effectively resolving common VDI performance as well as connectivity issues?

CloudReady Dashboards Tips & Tricks Part #3

This is the third part of a series on the CloudReady dashboards and visualizations. The first part covered basics like Overviews, Refresh, and Layout settings. The second part covered more advanced dashboard usage like layout pinning, capture and embedding. In this third part we’ll cover key widgets, their usage and settings.