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VMware Introduces Continuous and Automated Validation for Its ISV and Ecosystem Solutions

If technology applications are the building blocks of enterprises today, developers comprise the masonry team. At VMware, we seek to empower application developers, architects, platform and digital teams alike by giving them the ability to choose the right set of tools for their unique development needs and goals. We build deep, meaningful partnerships with industry peers to support our customers’ choices across their full technology stacks.

VMware Tanzu SQL: MySQL at Scale Made Easy for Kubernetes

We are happy to announce that VMware Tanzu SQL with MySQL for Kubernetes 1.0 is generally available! Tanzu customers can easily run MySQL at scale on Kubernetes with this new release, which complements our existing Postgres engine for Kubernetes. Even better, with this new release Tanzu Advanced customers now have the two most popular open source operational databases included with their purchase.

The technology challenge of mergers and acquisitions in the insurance sector

Mergers and acquisitions are going on all over the market at the moment … and de-mergers as well, actually. Typically in a merger or acquisition, there’s some knowledge that it’s going to happen in advance. But until the Heads of Terms have been signed and there’s a Transition Service Agreement in place, people don’t really get moving with the activity needed to support the move, particularly on the technology side.

Kubernetes vs YARN for scheduling Apache Spark

Spark is one of the most widely-used compute tools for big data analytics. It excels at real-time batch and stream processing, and powers machine learning, AI, NLP and data analysis applications. Thanks to its in-memory processing capabilities, Spark has risen in popularity. As Spark usage increases, the older Hadoop stack is on the decline with its various limitations that make it harder for data teams to realize business outcomes.

Continuous integration with GitOps

Software development is changing rapidly. On one hand, you must quickly adapt to evolving requirements, while on the other, your applications need to operate continuously without downtime. DevOps helps you quickly adapt to changes. Among other initiatives, continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are intgegral to any DevOps practice.

Preventing SQL injection attacks with automated testing

SQL injection is one of the most destructive ways an application can be attacked. This kind of attack is targeted toward the application database, which can result in consequences that are irreversible, lead to loss of money, and reduce user trust in your company. There are far too many application data breaches happening every day, usually when a malicious agent attacks the database.

Monitor kube-state-metrics v2.0 with Datadog

In order to manage complex containerized applications, modern devops teams need to have deep visibility into the status of their Kubernetes resources. By listening directly to the Kubernetes API, the open source kube-state-metrics service generates key metrics about your Kubernetes objects, including pods, nodes, and deployments, which are essential for understanding the status and performance of your clusters.