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How to Remediate Unencrypted S3 buckets

Cloud environments are always susceptible to security issues. A significant contributor to this problem is misconfigured resources. Traditional IT Infrastructure was somewhat static; server hardware only changed every few years. With few changes occurring, security was also more static. The modern cloud environment is a much different challenge. In cloud environments, servers, services, and storage are created with automation, resulting in a dynamic and potentially ever-changing server environment.

Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu: 2020 roundup

We’re almost there, 2021 is just around the corner. Like many others, we at Canonical have a deep appreciation for all things Raspberry Pi. We see the good they do and the joy they bring and can’t help but be impressed. This year marks the beginning of a stronger collaboration between the folks at Raspberry Pi and us at Canonical. We are by no means done and still have a long way to go. But we have made strides in the right direction.

How to Expose and protect Logic App using Azure API Management (Part 4) - Delete a Logic Apps expose as an API or operation

You may be thinking, hey Sandro, what the hell? That is basic information and a straightforward task. Why do you want to write about that? Indeed it is, and you are right that it is an effortless and straightforward operation, at least at first glance. But like most things, nothing is that simple if you look closer. But let me explain better. Let’s imagine that we have an API call MoniorBizTalkPorts.

A Look Back At Console Connect In 2020

2020 has been a year of challenge and change for the world. The global pandemic has accelerated the pace of technological change for businesses around the world, leading to a shift in working patterns and prompting the move to a more virtual workforce. For Console Connect, it has been a year of significant growth.

Speed Up Development with Automated Kubernetes Deployments

Are you or your team currently looking for your next-generation architecture? Or perhaps are you already there, but looking for the best way to automate and manage it. In this blog, we’re going to talk about deploying Rancher environments using the power of env0. Rancher is a complete software stack for teams adopting containers.

Host Your Helm Chart in ChartCenter Directly From Source

Ownership isn’t for everyone — building and maintaining an abode is a lot of trouble when all you need is a place to hang your hat. That can also be true when you’re a creator of Helm charts. You’ll certainly want the benefits of a Helm chart repository to store, version, and share your charts for deploying applications to Kubernetes.

Let's Talk: Full-Service Ownership

We recently surveyed 700 DevOps and IT practitioners around the world and found that more than 80% of organizations have experienced a significant increase in pressure on digital services since the start of the pandemic. Compared to 6 months ago, respondents reported a 47% increase in the number of daily incidents, and 62% of DevOps and IT responders work at least an extra 10 hours per week resolving incidents.