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Hashicorp Waypoint vs Heroku: What is the best PaaS for your team?

This week, Hashicorp announced the launch of their new product - Waypoint - aiming to simplify the way developers build and run apps in the Cloud and on any platform (like Kubernetes). The project is open source and is well adopted by the dev community. As CEO and co-founder of Qovery, I am enthusiastic to see this product live. At Qovery, we believe in making the developer’s life easier, and seeing big Open Source companies moving in this direction is a good thing for all of us.

New Gartner Report: How to lead digital disruption with programmable infrastructure

A hybrid infrastructure strategy is integral in creating a successful digital transformation in your enterprise. Programmable infrastructure (PI), or Infrastructure as Code, makes these strategies work in the real world. This blog will cover some highlights from the Gartner Report on why I&O leaders must adopt programmable infrastructure to enhance customer-focused agility.

The Most Important KPIs for Monitoring Mobile Games

Managing modern mobile games involves measuring and tracking dozens of metrics. Each value lets you know how well your game is doing in a specific area, such as user experience, infrastructure, and monetization, to name but a few. But not all KPIs are created equally. Some metrics are more valuable than others in terms of helping you make informed business and technical decisions about your game. That’s what we’ll take a look at in this article.

AWS And Azure Dedicated Hosts Monitoring With VirtualMetric

Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure do not need any formal introduction. They are two major players in the cloud computing and virtualization industry. AWS leads with about 32% market share. On the other hand, Azure is the next closest with about 17% market share. Both the tech giants, AWS and Azure, have been on an onward growth trajectory with revenue boosts coming in every quarter.

vSphere with Tanzu Makes It Easier to Create Kubernetes Clusters Using vSphere 7.0 U1

The release of vSphere 7.0 U1 brings with it a lot of new enhancements to the platform’s core, while the four new Tanzu editions make it easier to package a complete Kubernetes solution. In the meantime, using vSphere with Tanzu has been simplified even more with use of the vSphere Distributed Switch as its main networking construct. Now your vSphere environment can be transformed into a Kubernetes powerhouse.

Managing Datadog with Terraform

Terraform is an increasingly popular infrastructure-as-code tool for teams that manage cloud environments spanning many service providers. New users are often drawn to Terraform’s ability to quickly provision compute instances and similar resources from infrastructure providers, but Terraform can also manage platform-as-a-service and software-as-a-service resources.

Looking back on Chaos Conf 2020

It’s already been a week since we closed our third annual Chaos Conf! While we were forced to take the conference online, this meant that more of you could join us. Over 3,500 people signed up to help make this the world’s largest Chaos Engineering conference. That’s 5x more than 2019, and nearly 10x more than 2018! This is a testament to the growth of Chaos Engineering as a practice across many different industries and around the world.

Applying GitOps And Continuous Delivery (CD) On Infrastructure Using Terraform, Codefresh, And Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

There are many articles and videos about practicing Continuous Delivery (CD) with applications, but not nearly as many for infrastructure. The same can be said for GitOps applied to infrastructure. That is a bit strange given that applications and infrastructure are almost the same today. Both are defined as code, and everyone stores code in Git repositories. Hence, GitOps is just as good of a fit for infrastructure as for anything else.

Everything You Need to Know About DNS Monitoring

In order to communicate, web pages, devices and applications need a common naming system which allows them to identify each other and send information. This is particularly important when the communication takes place over the Internet because of the large number of services and websites that need to be identified. This is why the Domain Name System (DNS) is so important for businesses. It matches website pages and devices to an IP address that can be traced by other devices.