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End-to-end application monitoring with Datadog

For complete visibility into the performance of your applications, you need telemetry data—traces, metrics, and logs—that describes activity across your entire stack. But if you’re using multiple monitoring tools, your data can end up in silos, making it difficult to troubleshoot issues that affect your user experience.

That's a wrap! re:Invent 2020

AWS’s annual re:Invent wrapped up this week, and although we didn’t get to see customers, colleagues and, friends in Las Vegas this year, it was still an eventful three weeks. Spot by NetApp sponsored the virtual conference and hosted a number of activities including our AWS JAM session on Kubernetes and infrastructure scaling, an expert session on cloud compute optimization, and an interview with Spot by NetApp’s CEO and founder, Amiram Shachar.

Code Coverage Analysis Using Codecov and Codefresh

Codecov is a code analysis tool with which users can group, merge, archive, and compare coverage reports. Code coverage describes which lines of code were executed by the test suite and which ones were not. However, this is not to be confused with a testing tool. Codecov does not run your tests, that is the job of your testing tools. The analysis that Codecov provides will classify code in either of the following states: Additionally, In this tutorial, we will.

A quick guide to the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 for DBAs

December 1 saw the introduction in New Zealand of the Privacy Act 2020 which not only brings increased protection for individuals but also has some new implications for businesses, including increased fines for non-compliance and the reporting of serious privacy breaches.

Thoughts on 2020: An Unpredictable Year But Much to Look Forward To

We here at Robin.io are getting set to put a bow on what’s been as unpredictable and challenging a year as any of us can ever remember. In spite of lots of anxiety, oft-interrupted video calls, and a slew of new rules for doing business, Robin ends 2020 having accomplished a number of its goals for the year. It has taken flexibility, dedication and cooperation on the part of every Robin employee, partner and customer for us to be in such a strong position entering the new year.

What Gartner Gets Right About Cloud Cost Optimization (and Where They Miss)

Earlier this year, Gartner published “How to Manage and Optimize Costs of Public Cloud IaaS and PaaS,” by analysts Marco Meinardi and Traverse Clayton. As a company that is focused on enabling engineering teams with cloud cost intelligence, we were of course curious what they had to say. Now, if you are familiar with Gartner, you know they have a reputation for serving enterprise clients, so they can sometimes be — well, enterprisey.

Unify APM and RUM data for full-stack visibility

Without unified visibility across your entire stack, it can be difficult to investigate backend dependencies when troubleshooting frontend issues, or to track the source of database failures that originate from bad browser requests. Full-stack visibility gives you the insight you need to pinpoint and resolve incidents quickly.

Tell data-driven stories with Collaborative Notebooks

Whether you’re deciding on follow-up items for a postmortem, submitting a request-for-comments for review, or creating an executive report, making sense of all the available data and collaborating with others to tell a clear, data-driven story can be difficult. When there are multiple stakeholders and teams working together, it can be hard to manage the back-and-forth process of feedback and revision to ensure you have up-to-date information.

Monitor your workflows with Datadog SSL, TLS, and Multistep API tests

API tests are key to ensuring your applications receive and respond to requests efficiently. For example, a slow API endpoint or an unexpected timeout in processing a request can significantly affect user experience, so API tests can help you monitor the performance of your endpoints and the overall health of your applications.