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The Anatomy of a Secure Serverless Platform, Pt. 2 -- Development

Stackery’s secure serverless platform for AWS offers teams a key resource to help realize the promise of serverless – by automating otherwise complex infrastructure processes, we enable you to leverage the massive suite of AWS tools and services with minimal management overhead. It’s crucial for teams to do this while enforcing security and ensuring adherence to compliance guidelines.

Lost in the clouds: Managing risk and reaping rewards on your cloud journey

Moving applications to a public cloud, no matter why you’re making that journey, is a high-stakes proposition. As an industry, we’re focused on rapidly moving forward to give our businesses the competitive edge they need. However, when it comes to cloud migration, we often fail to stop and ask some critical questions, and as a result we end up overspending and underperforming.

The Wellcome Sanger Institute: sharing genomic research worldwide securely with supported Ceph

A world-leading genomic research centre, the Wellcome Sanger Institute uses advanced DNA sequencing technology for large-scale studies that surpass the capabilities of many other organisations. Among other works, the Institute is currently heading the UK-wide Darwin Tree of Life Project to map the genetic code of 60,000 complex species.

Covid-19 response drives decentralized IT Ops

As Covid-19 continues to dramatically affect the world, Interlink Software is squarely focused on supporting its customers and partners to continue to serve the thousands of employees and customers reliant on their services. Without the luxury of detailed, strategic planning, our customers have been forced to adapt at speed to current events, supporting an unprecedented number of employees as they transition to working from home. Interlink Software included.

IAM Access in Kubernetes: How to Install Kube2iam

IAM is the de-facto method of authorization in AWS. Most Kubernetes “Quick Start” guides for AWS do not adequately cover how to manage IAM access in your pods. This blog series will first go over the security issues specific to AWS IAM on Kubernetes, then compare solutions, and then we will end with a detailed walkthrough for setting up your cluster with one of those solutions.

Technology Innovation Snapshot: How Blameless Accelerates Team Performance

In Digital Enterprise Journal’s March Edition of its Technology Innovation Snapshot, Blameless was listed among 11 other companies as promising vendors. Blameless is honored to be alongside companies such as Gremlin, Catchpoint, and Moogsoft, and excited about the future DEJ sees for the SRE space.

Apache Kafka Example: How Rollbar Removed Technical Debt - Part 2

April 7th, 2020 • By Jon de Andrés Frías In the first part of our series of blog posts on how we remove technical debt using Apache Kafka at Rollbar, we covered some important topics such as: In the second part of the series, we’ll give an overview of how our Kafka consumer works, how we monitor it, and which deployment and release process we followed so we could replace an old system without any downtime.

Discover How Serverless360 Can Help Improve Remote Work

Azure Serverless Applications are indeed powerful and super-efficient in delivering the right solution sooner to the market. However, the Azure portal is just not enough to meet the operational and support requirements of the Serverless Application. Organizations cannot afford to invest time and effort in skilled Azure resources in proving support.

How to Deploy OKD Minishift onto a Publicly-Hosted VM

If you are familiar with minikube, a lightweight implementation of the Kubernetes ecosystem, then you may have also heard of Minishift. Designed as a development platform and delivered through a utility, this is the Red Hat OKD (Origin Kubernetes Distribution—formerly called OpenShift Origin) all-in-one implementation of Red Hat OpenShift. Being highly versatile, it can be deployed on varying platforms.