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I interviewed 200 CTOs from growing startups - here's what came up

Between late 2019 and early 2020, I interviewed more than 200 CTOs of growing US and EU startups on the topics of the Cloud and their working methodologies. I discovered that 86% of these SMB startups use the Cloud and that 48% started their business on Heroku and then migrated to a Cloud provider - especially AWS (Amazon Web Services).

Permissions, access rights, and privileges: Active Directory and Azure Active Directory

Permissions, access controls, user rights, or privileges define what an identity can see or do in an organization. These terms are often used interchangeably based on context, and essentially perform the same function—granting or denying access to the resources in an enterprise.

Monitor Hazelcast with Datadog

Hazelcast is a distributed, in-memory computing platform for processing large data sets with extremely low latency. Its in-memory data grid (IMDG) sits entirely in random access memory, which provides significantly faster access to data than disk-based databases. And with high availability and scalability, Hazelcast IMDG is ideal for use cases like fraud detection, payment processing, and IoT applications.

SRE Leaders Panel: Managing Systems Complexity

In our previous panel, we spoke about how to overcome imposter syndrome in high tempo situations, and how culture directly affects the availability of our systems. Building on that last discussion, we gathered leading minds in the resilience industry to discuss how SRE can manage systems complexity, and how that's tightly intertwined with business health especially in the context of current health and social crises.

Leveraging cloud computing pricing models for greater cost efficiency

As we discussed in our previous post on cloud cost analysis and optimization, with over 60% of all cloud costs attributable to compute, focusing on compute infrastructure spend should be of the utmost priority. In this post we will focus on the public cloud vendors’ pricing models and how to best leverage them all for maximum cost optimization.

Power your Puppet reports with PowerBI in 10 minutes

Every Puppet practitioner can appreciate the wealth of information stored inside PuppetDB. Although Puppet Enterprise console offers some insights into the data, we sometimes need rich dashboards, possibilities to correlate data about facts, nodes and reports and drill-down features. In short, we wish there were a way to unleash the full power of PuppetDB data to create situational awareness about our estate. This article will show that PowerBI is a very powerful companion to PuppetDB.

Building more reliable financial systems with Chaos Engineering

The financial services industry has built in more capital buffers to prevent market shocks from bringing another economic collapse. In addition to these financial controls, many banks and personal trading platforms have begun building resiliency into information technology shocks. Despite these new precautions, we’re still seeing outages today, preventing customers from depositing and withdrawing their money, completing transactions, and executing trades during key events.

Power Up Helm Charts: Using Kustomize to Manage Kubernetes Deployments

Operations teams need to automate deployment of applications, and Helm is the industry-standard solution for deploying to Kubernetes. Like many software vendors, we provide Helm charts for installing Artifactory and other JFrog DevOps platform products, designed for the standard/recommended configurations most teams will need. These templates provide customers a limited set of configuration options.

Creating a host through the Icinga 2 API

Learning about the Icinga API can be an eye opening moment for some, and lead to a path of automation and configuration management. But where to start? Well, you can always check out the Icinga API documentation for that. But today, I have an idea for you – I’ll show you how to create a host through the Icinga 2 API.