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Ofcom interim cloud report: 5 key takeaways & where we go next

Ever since UK regulator Ofcom announced its market study into the cloud industry in 2022, there has been cautious optimism about whether this could be a genuine moment of truth for the hyperscalers. On 5 April 2023, we got our answer. In its interim report, Ofcom did not hold back in its criticism of the dominance that the hyperscalers, especially AWS and Microsoft, hold over the industry and the limits and even “harm” this creates for customers.

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #3: The impact of technical debt

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.

Azure Data Box: Simplifying Data Transfer to Azure

Microsoft’s Azure Data Box is a data transfer solution designed to simplify and streamline the process of moving large amounts of data to Azure cloud storage. With the continuous growth of data volumes, businesses are seeking efficient and cost-effective ways to transfer and store data in the cloud. This comprehensive article provides an in-depth analysis of the key factors impacting costs, best practices, and a step-by-step guide to using Azure Data Box.

GitKraken Client 9.3: Skip the Corporate UI and Stay in That Sweet GitKraken Dark Theme

This release is all about improving our Azure DevOps integration. According to our super sea-cret metrics, Azure DevOps is our users’ third most popular Git hosting service, after GitHub and Bitbucket. That explains why so many of you have sent in support tickets or submitted feature requests to make the integration with Azure match the excellent experience users have with our Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab integrations.

How do you migrate your application to the cloud for the first time?

You don’t have to be an expert to deploy your application to the cloud - 24% of Cloud 66 customers used a PaaS like Heroku in the past and cut their bills by up to 60% after moving to the cloud. Additionally, they gained more control over their own infrastructure and more flexibility in their deployments.

Snowflake Monitoring with MetricFire

In today's world, where data plays a huge role in business success, companies must manage and analyze large amounts of information. Data warehousing has become a critical part of business operations to handle this challenge. Snowflake, a top cloud data warehousing platform, provides a scalable, secure, and flexible solution to help businesses adapt to their ever-changing data needs.

3 IoT applications that should consider private networking

As IoT (Internet of Things) device form factors have got smaller and batteries have got better, use cases for IoT applications have expanded into every sector. From trucks, to shipping containers, people, to cattle, an organisation’s assets can be fixed, mobile, autonomous and even sentient - relaying information that can deliver new business insights and competitive advantage. But these benefits only come if the information is able to get to the right place at the right time.