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Deliver exception messages through Slack and Webhooks for fast resolution

Building new applications is a lot of fun, but troubleshooting and fixing the crashes that can come with app development is not. While many organizations are fast adopting the DevOps model, there are still some legacy frameworks where developers and operations teams are separate. Developers build and submit apps to their ops team, who in turn deploy and maintain the production stack. A common issue that arises due to this workflow is the time it takes to find and resolve crashes.

Ocean evolves - "revert to lower-cost node" shrinks spend

Ocean automates cloud infrastructure for containers. It continuously analyzes how your containers are using infrastructure, automatically scaling compute resources to maximize utilization without sacrificing availability. Ocean shuffles workloads and then scales down underutilized nodes to ensure everything runs at the lowest cost.

OpenSearch is here

We’re excited to announce that Platform.sh now offers OpenSearch as a service available and included on all plans. OpenSearch is a distributed RESTful search and analytics engine you can use for log analytics, a search backend, clickstream analytics, and more. With the recent move by ElasticSearch to switch to a licensing model, it was important for us to propose a strong open source alternative. And OpenSearch is completely open source, so you could run and manage it on your own.

What is end-to-end testing?

End-to-end testing, also known as E2E testing, is a methodology used for ensuring that applications behave as expected and that the flow of data is maintained for all kinds of user tasks and processes. This type of testing approach starts from the end user’s perspective and simulates a real-world scenario. For example, on a sign-up form, you can expect a user to perform one or more of these actions: You can use end-to-end testing to verify that all these actions work as a user might expect.

Incident management best practices: before the incident

When incidents inevitably occur in your software stack, managing them well could be the difference between losing customers and building trust with them. In this article, we’ll give you and your team some best practices on how to prepare for managing incidents. It’s crucial to define service ownership, a declaration process, and practice all of it. With a little planning now, you'll be able to cut your incident response time drastically.

How to Conduct a Server Monitoring Software Comparison

Let’s imagine that you really need a car, and you head off to a car dealership to buy one for yourself. Let’s also assume this is your first car, and you don’t know much about cars. On getting to the dealership, you’ll need to choose which type of car you want. Now, you’re not very knowledgeable about the different drive mechanisms of a car, whether it’s a gasoline-powered or electric vehicle.

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Startups Make on AWS

Adopting AWS as your cloud infrastructure seems to be a common choice for most growing companies, but it is not as easy as it looks. Choosing the right services, configuration, and management of these services needs skills and experience. At Qovery, we've heard hundreds of stories about the mistakes made by startups on AWS, and here are the biggest ones. Make sure you take care of these pitfalls when you start your journey on AWS, which will help you successfully migrate and set up on AWS.

Podcast: Break Things on Purpose | Elizabeth Lawler: Creating Maps for Code

For this episode of “Build Things on Purpose” we are joined by Elizabeth Lawler, founder of AppLand, the creators of AppMap. Elizabeth is here to chat about the challenges of building modern, complex software and the tool that she has built that serves as a “Google maps for code” for developers. AppMap is designed to show in a more visually driven way to help clarify, in real time, writing code.