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Cloud Cost Management Tools Have A Bad Rap: Here's How We're Different

As a cloud cost intelligence platform, we spend nearly every day talking to companies about their cloud cost — and there’s something we’ve noticed — people don’t generally have the warm and fuzzies for their cloud cost management tools. You know, the ones that have been around for a while, that you use to build reports about your cloud spend? We won’t refer to them by name. These popular tools have really given the whole category a bit of a bad rap.

Finserv open source infrastructure powers digital transformation

Covid-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges and opportunities for financial institutions to embrace digital transformation initiatives at pace and scale. Finservs are enhancing their purview of digital transformation initiatives to stay relevant and create a technology foundation that enables them to quickly bounce back from future contingencies. Finserv digital transformation is spurred by technology, and the leading technologies spurring digital transformation are open source.

5 Scenarios Where An Agile Networking Model Can Benefit Your Business

It is not just network performance that is important to today’s CIOs and network managers. Critical IT workflows and network traffic are rapidly growing and changing all the time, which is why enterprise networking needs to be more flexible and responsive than ever before. Here we look at a number of scenarios where a more agile networking model could better support the needs of a business…

How Cloud Technology Can Help Your Business

Between 2019 and 2020, more Australian businesses have turned to cloud computing technologies. A recent survey from the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that businesses using paid cloud computing — IT services used over the internet to access software, computing power, and storage capacity — jumped to 55% from 42% in 2017 to 2018. Indeed, cloud hosting technology is more popular now than ever before.

HAProxy Configuration Basics: Load Balance Your Servers

Learn how to set up basic load balancing using the HAProxy configuration file. If you’re new to using the HAProxy load balancer, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to configure HAProxy for basic load balancing. I am assuming that you’ve already installed the software. If not, there are several ways to do so.

Qovery - the ultimate AWS web console for SaaS startups

AWS is undoubtedly one of the best Cloud service providers to run serious business out there. Reliable and cost-effective. No doubt here. But something utterly wrong with AWS is the experience on their web management console. It is so bad that thousands of developers come using Qovery every month with the only promise of - a better developer experience on top of AWS. Here are the 7 reasons why Qovery is an excellent choice for SaaS startups.

Are 400GZR+ Pluggables an Embedded 800G Giant Killer?

We are now at the start of an era where 400GbE is breaking out of data centers and displacing 100GbE as the dominant client interface requiring wide-area optical transport. This is resulting in 400G lanes becoming the new building block of optical networks to transport existing 100GbE and growing 400GbE client traffic, for both metro and long haul applications.

Application Lifecycle Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Discipline is the key to success for all companies doing well in their field or reaching a trillion-dollar valuation. They manage the software and update it very frequently when it comes to providing services. So how are they able to manage it and keep their software updated every moment? The answer is ALM—Application Lifecycle Management. ALM includes the people, the software, the tools, and the processes included in software development, from planning to deploying it for end customers.

Containers vs serverless - It's about balancing simplicity with control

Chances are if you’re a developer or part of a DevOps team you’ve had a polarizing conversation or two about containers versus serverless. In this post we recap a debate hosted by NetApp on this topic. Arguing for containers is Kevin McGrath, Chief Technology Officer, Spot by NetApp. On the side of serverless is Forrest Brazeal, Director of Content and Community at A Cloud Guru. In this post we will cover the key arguments on both sides. YouTube An error occurred.