When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, it sent ripples through many markets. Ukrainian car factories which supplied Europe were interrupted, oil and gas supply from Russia was throttled, and the supplies of steel, sunflowers, corn, and wheat were affected. Prices of sugar and petroleum surged, a threat of long-lasting high inflation emerged, and social unrest began to foment, with cyber-attacks coming both out of and going into Russia.
Releasing software to users has become a sophisticated and intricate process that requires high levels of consistency and coordination. A release has to be built, brought together, documented, tested and deployed, which requires coordination of at least four separate teams and a generous handful of pipelines and other tools. Without a well-documented process things can get messy very quickly, causing stress for everyone involved.
Whether you’re part of a team managing SaaS products or a high-security digital workspace, sometimes Things Go Wrong and must be addressed with extreme care, professionalism, and predictability. For outages, data breaches, vulnerabilities and more, you and your team are juggling a variety of tools, processes, and rigid incident management systems. When the on-call pager goes off at 3 am almost no one has the ability to remember every step needed to kick off all the response workflows.
Honeybadger's new incident management feature lets you report incidents in real time, schedule alerts for upcoming maintenance, or retroactively insert an update for past incidents.
For years, Netcool has been omnipresent in many IT Operations organizations. That, combined with the sheer utility it once brought to the table, sometimes gave it a special sort of nostalgic reverence in IT Operations circles. But with all due respect to Netcool, there’s also little doubt the platform’s real-world utility has waned in the era of cloud and hybrid ops.
Last November, we announced the launch of Grafana OnCall, an easy-to-use on-call management tool that helps reduce toil through simpler workflows and interfaces tailored for developers. Born out of Grafana Labs' acquisition of Amixr Inc., Grafana OnCall began as a cloud-only solution that became generally available to all Grafana Cloud users, on both paid and free plans, in February.
If you talk to any Service Desk agent, they will agree there has been an explosion in IT tickets since the transition to remote and hybrid work. Even now, there are growing challenges preventing them from being able to reduce IT incidents. In the last year, average ticket volume has risen by 16% since the pandemic, stressing already overtaxed help desk agents. This increase in tickets has led to wasted resources, poor IT service delivery and frustrated employees.
Get info, insights, and more from our RESOLVE 2022 keynote speech. “I kind of view AIOps as more of a practice.