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Tip of the Day - Beyond Alerts

Alerts are one of the main reasons why we monitor. Having a robust Alerting Tool can ensure proactive notification of issues and allows for quick access to the data required to troubleshoot the issue(s). This video provides insight into the Catchpoint Alert Monitoring solution, showing you what to do after the Alert along with some very helpful links to make sure you've configured your Alerts so they provide the information you need.

Tip of the Day - Synthetic Monitoring the Catchpoint way

Not all synthetic monitoring solutions are created equal. A truly proactive synthetic monitoring platform runs tests from the networks and locations where end users are located, and emulates the same path that the end users take to access websites and applications. Synthetic tests that are run from cloud providers miss many critical issues that affect the customer experience, and often lead to a painfully slow troubleshooting process because they don't capture all the components in the application delivery chain. Learn how Catchpoint's industry-leading synthetic monitoring infrastructure provides easy and effective monitoring from the outside-in for a truly comprehensive Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) solution.

Tip of the Day - SSL Certificates

Expired SSL certificates are one of the most overlooked causes of performance and reachability problems, as keeping track of all of them and their expiration dates is a long and challenging task. See how Catchpoint's Digitial Experience Montoring (DEM) platform can help you esnure that your SSL certificates remain valid by alerting you whenever their expiration date is approaching.

Tip of the Day - SLA Monitoring

SLAs are all about tracking accountability, and monitoring for those agreements must be done from a reliable third-party source. Trusting your vendors to report on their own SLAs is like asking a fox to guard the henhouse. Learn how Catchpoint enables you to track and alert on specific SLA metrics by measuring from the end user's perspective, allowing you to hold your vendors accountable no matter where your end users are located.

Deploying apps directly on Kubernetes vs through Shipa

This video covers some of the differences on deploying applications directly on Kubernetes vs deploying them to Kubernetes but through Shipa. We should how Developer experience is improved, applications can be deployed much faster and DevOps/Platform Engineering teams can keep a controlled and dynamic environment when managing multiple Kubernetes clusters.

Collaboration, Remote Work and Data Security

An interactive discussion offering a practical insight into the lives of four tech leaders from across the globe who will share the security lessons from the past few months and offer insights into how this will impact practices going forward. This is a great opportunity to hear from four exceptional speakers as they share their experiences and take questions.