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Using Log Patterns to Create Log Exclusion Filters | Datadog Tips & Tricks

In part 2 of this 2 part series, you’ll learn how to use Log Patterns to quickly create log exclusion filters and reduce the number of low-value logs you are indexing. Datadog’s Logging with Limits™ feature allows you to selectively determine which logs to index after ingesting all of your logs. Meanwhile, the Log Patterns feature can quickly isolate groups of low-value logs.

How to Generate Metrics from Logs | Datadog Tips & Tricks

In this video, you’ll learn how to generate metrics using log events attributes to filter your logs more effectively and begin monitoring, graphing and alerting on the new metric immediately. Generating metrics from logs is a powerful tool for monitoring attributes which are parsed from your logs.

Though the crisis: AXA IM

Our customer base was impacted globally by COVID-19, and we were honored to be able to support them whenever and however we could. Now, in this new Through the Crisis series, they’ll be sharing some of their stories from the IT frontline. The first contribution comes from Christophe Verducci, Head of Proximity Services at leading financial services provider AXA IM.

Datadog on Kubernetes

When 2 years ago Datadog decided to move its infrastructure platform to Kubernetes we didn’t expect to find so many roadblocks, but ingesting trillions of datapoints per day in a reliable fashion requires pushing the limits of cloud computing. Creating and managing dozens of clusters, with thousands of nodes each and operating in several clouds was a challenging but rewarding learning experience. In this episode Ara Pulido, Developer Advocate, will chat with Laurent Bernaille, Staff Engineer at Datadog and part of the team that created Datadog’s Kubernetes platform. We’ll cover the challenges we found creating and scaling Datadog’s Kubernetes platform and how we overcame them.

KMC - Running a Multi-Cluster Service Mesh in Rancher

If you are or your organization is running Kubernetes, then it's likely that you are running more than one cluster. This model works well for most, but starts to break down when microservices and service mesh enter the discussion. However, with some additional configuration and tooling , a multicluster mesh can take advantage of distributed Kubernetes environments and the services therein. In this Master Class, recorded on June 20, 2020, Rancher Field Engineer Jason Skrzypek discusses and demos a multi-cluster service mesh running Istio.