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How IT Ops Teams are adapting to a world gone remote

Join Cameron Deatsch, Atlassian’s Chief Revenue Officer, and Andrew Burton, President and COO of Rapid7 for a live conversation about how to focus on what matters most - your customers - in today's remote environment. You’ll walk away with practical tips and proven solutions to stay ahead of the needs and changing requirements of your IT Ops teams.

Virtual Time Series Meetup - March 2020

Talk 1: Prophet for forecasts with InfluxDB Anais Dotis-Georgiou | Developer Advocate, InfluxData Abstract Data collection is only half of the battle. The other half is being able to easily perform data analysis. FB Prophet aims to make time series forecasting simple and fast. We’ll learn how to make a univariate time series prediction with Prophet and InfluxDB.

A Journey of Elastic SIEM: Getting Started through Threat Analysis Part 1

Calling all security enthusiasts! Many of us are now facing similar challenges working from home. Introduced in 7.2, Elastic SIEM is a great way to provide security analytics and monitoring capabilities to small businesses and homes with limited time and resources. In this three-part meetup series we will take you on a journey from zero to hero, getting started with the Elastic SIEM to becoming a threat hunter.