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Sentry for Native Crashes: Gaming, IoT, and Beyond

Application crashes have a significant impact on customer experience, which can adversely affect a company’s reputation and revenue. Error and crash reporting is a unique feedback mechanism that provides true data about the quality of their product. Developer teams that create games, mobile applications, IoT, and other high-performance applications need rich insights into application health to quickly and continuously fix software errors with minimal impact.

Data to Everything

Data can change the world, but only if you do something with it.That’s why Splunk, the Data-to-Everything Platform, helps you turn real-time data into doing. It lets you bring real-time data to every question, decision and action that affects your organization. So you can turn that data into successful outcomes. When you turn data into doing, data becomes the key to everything. Say hello to Splunk, the Data-to-Everything Platform.

Sentry and Rookout Integration: A Better way to Find and Debug Errors in Your Code

Rookout’s new Sentry integration empowers you to fix bugs faster than ever before. Sentry features allow you to identify the exact location of an error in your code. With the Rookout integration, you will find an additional prompt to debug the issue live, in production, in Rookout. With the click of a button you will see the same line of code from Sentry highlighted in Rookout’s IDE-like interface, without restarting, redeploying or adding more code. In Rookout you can set non breaking breakpoints and trigger the error again to receive the real time debug data.

Application Monitoring Overview: How to Track Errors with Sentry

A quick walkthrough of the Sentry application monitoring platform. In just a few steps, Sentry allows developers to identify and fix production errors across every application in the stack. Get started by installing the appropriate SDK for your platform or platforms. All unhandled exceptions will be automatically captured by Sentry, with individual errors rolling up into larger issues. You will be able to quickly learn the impact of specific problems, examine the stack trace, and get added context about the application state, so you can connect issues to the root cause.