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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit Overview

You no longer have to be a data scientist to bring intelligence to your Splunk data. The Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) availble for free on Splunkbase, is a purpose built tool that extends Splunk Processing Language (SPL) with machine learning algorithms, new commands, and powerful visualizations. This video provides a high-level overview of MLTK and preview the use-cases that it supports.

Splunk Mobile - Overview (in 60s)

Splunk Mobile enables you to unlock value from your data anywhere at any time. Regardless of your role or level of technical expertise, you can use Splunk Mobile to view dashboards and take action from your mobile device. Whether you’re a C-suite executive looking for a report, a NOC manager investigating an issue, or a SOC analyst uncovering an anomaly, getting answers has never been more convenient with the power of Splunk in the palm of your hands. Splunk Mobile is made for all organizations and roles, including yours.

Splunk Mobile - Backend Summary (in 60s)

Get to know the Secure Gateway Splunk app, which allows you to deploy and manage your fleet of mobile devices at scale. Plus, take a peek behind the scenes to learn how Splunk Secure Gateway facilitates communication between mobile devices and Splunk platform instances using an end-to-end encrypted cloud service called Spacebridge. Finally, get the latest on Spacebridge compliance and data privacy, since Spacebridge has now been certified to meet SOC2, Type 2 and ISO 27001 standards and is HIPAA and PCI-DSS compliant.

Splunk Cloud Monitoring Console on Mobile (in 60s)

The Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) lets Splunk Cloud administrators view information about the status and performance of their Splunk Cloud deployment at a glance. On Splunk Mobile, you can access many of the same CMC dashboards as on Splunk Web. Whether you’re interested about your users, indexes, searches, or ingest volume, you can access this data on the go or at the comfort of your own couch.

Splunk On-Call prevents and cuts downtime episode length by half

Your Answer: Escalate the right alerts to the right on-call people for fast collaboration and issue resolution with Splunk On-Call. Reduce burn-out and make on-call suck less with a complete ChatOps experience that's integrated with your IT stack and incident reporting.

News Roundup, July 30, 2021: What's Happening in AIOps, ITOps, and IT Monitoring

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day! This special day was created in the 1990s to acknowledge and celebrate the tech gurus who assure that our computers, printers, and servers are working and in good condition. So, after thanking your hard-working system admin team, check out the latest in AIOps, ITOps, and IT infrastructure monitoring.

Monitoring serverless applications with AWS CloudWatch alarms

Running any application in production assumes reliable monitoring to be in place and serverless applications are no exception. As modern cloud applications get more and more distributed and complex, the challenge of monitoring availability, performance, and cost get increasingly difficult. Unfortunately there isn’t much offered right out of the box from cloud providers.