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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Less is more: Incident management and monitoring in hybrid IT infrastructures

Many companies are continuously modernizing their infrastructure – but there is no standard way for the perfect IT infrastructure. Still, hybrid architectures have become the status quo in enterprises. Almost all organizations have migrated at least parts of their assets to the cloud or run applications as cloud services. At the same time, businesses want to dovetail their IT architecture with software development and are therefore embracing dynamic infrastructures. ‍

Preventing Shopping Cart Abandonment with Anomaly Detection

The global pandemic has changed B2C markets in many ways. In the U.S. market alone in 2020, consumers spent more than $860 billion with online retailers, driving up sales by 44% over the previous year.eCommerce sales are likely to remain high long after the pandemic subsides, as people have grown accustomed to the convenience of ordering online and having their goods – even groceries – delivered to their door.

8 Must-Know Tricks to Use S3 More Effectively in Python

AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) is by far the most popular service on AWS. The simplicity and scalability of S3 made it a go-to platform not only for storing objects, but also to host them as static websites, serve ML models, provide backup functionality, and so much more. It became the simplest solution for event-driven processing of images, video, and audio files, and even matured to a de-facto replacement of Hadoop for big data processing.

Logit.io Confirms Plans To Support AWS OpenSearch & OpenDashboards

We are excited to inform all of our users that we will be bringing OpenSearch and OpenDashboards onto the Logit.io platform in the coming months. You may have already been aware that we’ve previously announced our support for the previous iteration of OpenSearch & OpenDashboards known as Open Distro in our response here. Due to our early public support of these oncoming changes you can see our platform cited on the official AWS OpenSearch website.

How to Troubleshoot Performance with a Visual Studio Profiler

Performance profilers mainly aid developers in analyzing the performance of applications. The purpose is to improve poorly performing sections of code that make up the functions of the application. When you say performance profilers, common names that come to mind are Visual Studio performance profilers and Prefix by Netreo. In this article, we will focus on the specific Visual Studio profiling tools for memory and CPU usage.

Visualize Geotemporal Data with InfluxDB Cloud's New Map Graph

We recently introduced a new Map graph type into InfluxDB Cloud to help users visualize time series data that includes position. Above is a graph showing the most recent earthquakes in California, where the color of the marker indicates their magnitude. In this post, I’m going to walk through the ways to ingest geotemporal data into InfluxDB Cloud, and how to use the new Maps visualization type.

NodeJS application monitoring with OpenTelemetry

In this video, we show a step by step process to monitor your Node JS application with OpenTelemetry. We use SigNoz as the backend and visualisation UI. SigNoz is an open source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. We natively support Opentelemetry based instrumentation. You can instrument any application written in a language/framework supported by OpenTelemetry and visualise metrics and traces in SigNoz.

Model-driven observability: modern monitoring with Juju

The end-to-end monitoring of complex software systems is difficult, toil-intensive and error-prone. Developers, SREs and Platform teams must continuously invest effort in setting up and maintaining the monitoring setups that underpin the observability of their systems, or accept the risk of being unaware of ongoing issues and their impact on end users. Enter model-driven observability powered by Juju!