The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Many organizations immediately pivoted to a largely remote workforce in March of 2020. For many IT teams, across all industries, this meant a huge rushed effort to make sure employees had the technology to work from home effectively. Fortunately, many companies, specifically in the insurance industry, already had remote workers and have weathered this transition well.
This blogpost is a followup to the blogpost Icinga Web permissions and restrictions (how do they work, examples). These two additions provide flexibility to manage web access control..
Elastic received honors from two key partners, Microsoft and Google — a recognition of our efforts to ensure that customers can easily find and use Elastic products in the environments that best suit their needs. Elastic was named the 2021 Microsoft US Partner Award Winner in Business Excellence in the Commercial Marketplace. In addition, for the second year in a row, Elastic was selected by Google Cloud as the 2020 Technology Partner of the Year for Data Management.
Observability is a hot term in the industry, but don’t let it fool you: having visibility into your organization's apps and services only gives you partial clarity into a system’s overall performance. To get a full understanding of your monitoring data, you need to apply contextual intelligence.
As we all know, the pandemic changed everything, from the way we shopped to the way we received healthcare. It introduced a whole new way to interact with healthcare professionals for yearly check-ups, consultations, and more. The pandemic also put the network in the spotlight as a critical method to deliver reliable applications experiences. All, if not most medical professionals used the telehealth application as one of the only ways to provide quality patient care.
The artificial neuron was first hypothesized in the 1930s, but only in the last decade have we seen the widespread application of artificial neural networks and machine learning to everyday technologies. Broadly speaking, machine learning describes a technical discipline defined by computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and the use of data. These days, the combination of machine learning and "big data" power an increasing number of digital tools that we interact with daily.
Bilt Graphic Paper Private Limited (BGPPL), a subsidiary of Bilt Paper B.V., is a paper manufacturing company based in India, with manufacturing plants in Bhigwan, Ballarpur, and Ashti in the state of Maharashtra. BGPPL established the most modern technology in the writing and printing segment in India intending to meet every demand of the rapidly progressing printing industry.
The ASP.NET Core framework enables you to build and deploy .NET applications on a wide variety of platforms, each of which has different observability concerns. In a previous post, we looked at monitoring a containerized ASP.NET Core application. In this guide, we’ll show how Datadog provides visibility into ASP.NET Core applications running on AWS Fargate. We’ll walk through.