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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Automation for the AWS platform - gain monitoring insight and automatically execute actions

As you probably know, Site24x7's AWS monitoring capabilities provide complete visibility into resource utilization and performance for key compute resources, storage, and database services powering your application in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. From here on out, you'll have the power to not only identify issues that might affect application performance, but also automatically invoke operational tasks across multiple AWS resources to resolve them quickly.


We’re excited to announce a highly requested new feature for Raygun Crash Reporting for our Business and Enterprise customers called 'Reports' This new feature allows you to construct your own custom reports based on the data and criteria that you’d like to see and segment. For example, if you release a new version of your website and would like to see a detailed view of the errors affecting end users, 'Reports' will allow you to get details quickly.

Monitive Mission Statement: "Why am I doing what I do?"

And no, it’s not summoning a few Venture Capital rounds of funding to pour them into a business, nor wasting my life on vacations or my money on gadgets. “What makes us happy?” I have to admit I’ve pursued this goal for a large part of my life. I know that some form of success is linked to happiness, and I know that success is not that esoteric feature that only the gifted among us get to possess. Success, just like happiness, is something we all have.

Introducing Elastic Machine Learning Data Visualizer

Automatically Model the Complexity of the Real World. Skip defining rules, specifying thresholds, or manually building out statistical models. Our machine learning features make it easy to start identifying anomalies. Just describe the data you're interested analyzing (requests per second) and what other properties might influence it (server, IP, username), and that's it.

Monitor webpages for changes with VisualPing

Frequent online shoppers, travel enthusiasts, parents seeking admissions for their wards, or the average online newsreader are all constantly plugged on to the Internet hoping to see the information they want updated on the respective websites. The only thing they can do is keep refreshing webpages and waiting for a change. Don’t you think that’s a waste of time and energy? You could instead be doing something more productive.