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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, OpenMetrics, and beyond: How Open Standards continue to shape modern observability

AWS is announcing the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry today. This is a distribution of OpenTelemetry, itself a CNCF sandbox project. This is part of a wider push towards Open Source, cloud native technologies, and modern observability, all based on Open Standards. This push can be observed across the whole technology sector, but with increasing velocity from within AWS. As they are the largest public cloud provider by far, this is noteworthy in and of itself.

Introducing the Splunk Observability Suite

Today is an exciting day for Splunk! In just 12 months since the acquisition of SignalFx and Omnition, our vision of a fully integrated Observability Suite is now a reality! As IT and DevOps teams strive to keep up with ever changing business requirements and deliver flawless customer experiences, we’re seeing the pace of digital and cloud initiatives accelerate.

Splunk Log Observer: Fast and Powerful Log Investigation for DevOps Teams

When it comes to DevOps, Splunk has a lot to say at .conf20. There’s a lot to digest from new product names to introducing new products to create a complete observability experience. We announced the Splunk Observability Suite, which creates a seamless workflow across monitoring, investigation and troubleshooting tasks. We also extended our portfolio with Splunk Real User Monitoring, which provides front end engineers better insights into performance.

A User Journey: Setting Up the Node Beeline on Lambda

Nic Wise at Tend Health recently wrote a series of blog posts exploring how they moved away from logs and metrics, toward adopting observability with Honeycomb. In that series, he shares lessons learned as they got their NodeJS app instrumented in an AWS environment making use of CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda, and a few other services. Tend is a New Zealand-based healthcare platform launching in 2020.

The Future of AIOps: 2021 Trends and How to Get Started

Technology trends transform human behavior permanently. In the past decade, we have improved as a society by embracing digital lives that drive faster collaboration and automation and save us a significant amount of time. The IT Operations landscape is not any different, and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of that.

Outreach Engages Their Production Code with Honeycomb

Outreach is the number one sales engagement platform with the largest customer base and industry-leading usage. Outreach helps companies dramatically increase productivity and drive smarter, more insightful engagement with their customers. Outreach is a privately held company based in Seattle, Washington. Tech Environment & Tools: Millions of Logs and Limited View Metrics.

Identifying Hidden Dependencies - Liz Fong Jones

You don't need to write automation or deploy on Kubernetes to gain benefits from resilience engineering! Learn how Honeycomb improved the reliability of our Zookeeper, Kafka, and stateful storage systems through terminating nodes on purpose. We'll discuss the initial manual experiments we ran, the bugs in our automatic replacement tools we uncovered, and what steps we needed to progress towards continuously running the experiments. Today, no node at Honeycomb lives longer than 12 months, and we automatically recycle nodes every week.

Enhancing Observability in DevSecOps

Digital transformation often accelerates innovation at the expense of creating an intelligence gap with massive amounts of unanalyzed data. This is where Continuous Intelligence comes into play. Join Sumo Logic’s Systems Engineer, Suresh Govindachetty, as he demonstrates how Continuous Intelligence helps find and solve information gaps, and how a single platform approach allows organisations to combine devs, operations, and security in ways that ease the burden for all teams across the organisation.