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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Introducing the Sumo Logic Observability suite with distributed tracing (beta) - a cornerstone of cloud-native APM

Last week Sumo Logic announced our new Observability Suite, which included the public introduction of the closed beta for our distributed tracing capabilities as part of our Microservices Observability solution. This new solution will provide end-to-end visibility into user transactions across services, as well as seamless integration into performance metrics and logs to accelerate issue resolution and root-cause analysis. In this blog, we’ll explore the new solution in detail.

All Aboard! Set Your Team Up for Honeycomb Success

Thank you so much to all who attended Raw & Real Ep. 5 “All Aboard! Bring Your Team Together,” and to any who take the time out of their busy days to watch the recording 🙂 This was a session for those who would describe yourselves as “internal champions” of Honeycomb and Observability.

Observability: The Intelligence Economy has arrived

Today, we made an important announcement that builds on and extends our category leadership in Continuous Intelligence. This blog is to put that announcement into context for our customers, partners and the broader industry. In 2017, we shared our strategy to democratize machine data by building a cloud-native, Continuous Intelligence Platform™ to 1) unify modern application and machine data; 2) support the ongoing proliferation of users and access; and 3) leverage cloud-scale economics.

Q&A with Daniel Seravalli, Lead Engineer at Holler: Nailing Observability at Scale

Holler is a messaging tech company that enriches conversations everywhere by creating and delivering useful, entertaining, expressive visual content to add texture and emotion to messaging environments. As the company has continued to grow, the engineering organization has scaled to meet the demand for its services. However, without a fully staffed Operations team, most of the engineers at Holler perform double duty across DevOps to keep the service performant for consumers.

Zero instrumentation serverless observability with AWS SAM and CDK integrations

As organizations build out their serverless footprint, they might find themselves managing hundreds or thousands of individual components (e.g., Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon DynamoDB tables, AWS SQS queues) for just a single application. At the same time, performance issues can crop up at any of these points, which means that having access to detailed observability data from your serverless functions is crucial for effective troubleshooting.

Spread the Love: Appreciating Our Pollinators Community

Have you heard the buzz about observability with Honeycomb 🐝? It’s the best tool on the market for observing your systems in real time to reduce toil and delight users. But don’t listen to us, listen to our buzzing community of “Pollinators”–this blog post is dedicated to them 💖 An invite is sent to our shared Slack workspace “Pollinators” to everyone who signs up for Honeycomb.

IT Infrastructure Monitoring: gain full monitoring coverage and unlimited observability

Monitoring the state of DevOps, multi-cloud, microservices and data centre environments is no easy task. You can’t manage what you can’t see. Gaps in your monitoring capability leave your enterprise vulnerable to catastrophic, customer impacting infrastructure blind-spots.

Observability Across the Development Lifecycle: A Convo with Andre Boutet of OneSpan

At OpenObservability, we had the pleasure to sit down with Andre Boutet, the Senior Director of Cloud Operations and Services for OneSpan. Andre had a conversation with our CTO, Jonah Kowall, around what observability means to his team and his organization. Teaser: It’s not just about ensuring uptime and availability for external systems. It’s a philosophy with a foundation on supporting the entire development lifecycle.

How to Gain Observability with Custom Checks and External Monitoring

Slack recently had a no good very bad day in which some broken external monitoring contributed to a perfect storm. But one passage caught our eye: “After the incident was mitigated, the first question we asked ourselves was why our monitoring didn’t catch this problem. We had alerting in place for this precise situation, but unfortunately, it wasn’t working as intended.