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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Observability with Context: Telemetry, Time, Tracing, and Topology

That’s the question ops personnel have been asking for decades whenever something goes wrong in the production IT environment. Everything was working before, so the reasoning goes, and now it’s not. We have an incident. And to figure out what caused the incident – and hence, to have any idea how to fix it – we must know what changed. There’s just one problem with this approach. What if everything is subject to change, all the time?

ScaleUP 2020 Recap: Introducing Distributed Tracing & More

Today was a monumental day for Logz.io and our entire community. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing how people use the technology we’ve built to enhance their businesses. At ScaleUP 2020, our first ever global user conference, we hosted an exciting day of technical, customer-led sessions with our community. We also had the privilege of unveiling some ground-breaking new solutions and enhancements to our end-to-end cloud-native observability platform.

CloudFabrix announces Observability-in-a-Box with Edge AI Capabilities to simplify and accelerate AIOps deployments

CloudFabrix is enhancing its AIOps platform with native Observability and AI at the edge capabilities to bridge the gap between Observability and AIOps solutions. Enterprises are struggling with unifying multitude of expensive monitoring deployments as well as gaps in observability, specifically for modern application architectures that include usage of microservices, containers and Kubernetes.

Filling gaps in Kubernetes observability with the Sensu Kubernetes Events integration

Kubernetes and its various APIs offer a wealth of information for monitoring and observability. In a recent webinar with the CNCF (as well as a whitepaper based on that webinar), Sensu CEO Caleb Hailey goes in-depth into the most-useful APIs for cloud-native observability. In this post, we’ll focus on the Kubernetes Events API — including why it matters and how it can add context for your observability strategy.

IDC Technology Spotlight: Enterprise Cloud-Native Apps and Infrastructure Need Modern Observability

In a new research paper, Mary Johnston Turner, IDC research vice president for cloud management, explains why cloud-native applications and infrastructure require modern observability. IDC's research shows that 97 percent of global enterprises use connected cloud strategies that depend on a diverse mix of on-premises, off-premises, hosted, edge, and public cloud infrastructure.