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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Full Observability with Your Node.js App

Javascript is a pretty prolific programming language, used daily by people visiting any number of websites and web applications. NodeJS, it’s server-side version, is also used all over the place. You’ll find it deployed as full application stacks to functions in things like AWS Lambda, or even as IoT processes with things like Johnny Five. So when we think about Observability in the context of a nodejs stack, how do we set it up and get the information flowing?

SRE + Honeycomb: Observability for Service Reliability

As a Customer Advocate, I talk to a lot of prospective Honeycomb users who want to understand how observability fits into their existing Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practice. While I have enough of a familiarity with the discipline to get myself into trouble, I wanted to learn more about what SREs do in their day-to-day work so that I’d be better able to help them determine if Honeycomb is a good fit for their needs.

Interview with Honeycomb Engineer Chris Toshok: Dogfooding OpenTelemetry

At Honeycomb, we talk a lot about eating our own dogfood. Since we use Honeycomb to observe Honeycomb, we have many opportunities to try out UX changes ourselves before rolling them out to all of our users. UX doesn’t stop at the UI though! Developer experience matters too, especially when getting started with observability. We often get questions about the difference between using our Beeline SDKs compared with other integrations, especially OpenTelemetry (abbreviated “OTel”).

Observability in the Cloud-Native Age: Announcing the DevOps Pulse 2020

It’s that time of year again — the DevOps Pulse 2020 is here! Last year, nearly 1,000 engineers around the world provided their insights in the DevOps Pulse 2019 so we could get the community’s perspective on the growth and challenges associated with observability, cloud monitoring and more. As we discovered in last year’s DevOps Pulse, observability is still a major challenge for many organizations.

The difference between Event Logging and Tracing in Observability

I have been noticing that a lot of folks are often confused between event logging and tracing. In terms of building out a generic SD for devs to report on observability data, should Event APIs be distinct from Trace APIs? Is an Event just a single Trace Span ? If you look at Honeycomb’s implementation, an Event seems to be equivalent to a single span trace. The middleware wrapper creates a Honeycomb event in the request context as a span in the overall trace.

Your Burning Questions about AIOps and Observability Answered

A fireside chat to discuss use cases and deployment tips for AIOps with observability generated a stream of compelling questions from attendees, which the Moogsoft hosts answered with depth and expertise. Combining AIOps analysis with detailed observability data is key for DevOps and SRE teams to attain continuous service assurance, so Moogsoft just published a new ebook about this topic titled “Observability with AIOps For Dummies.”

JFrog & Splunk - Observability for your IT Value Stream

As software is the product in many of today's businesses, the need to manage the value stream from development to production is critical to ensure consistency of information, compliance and supply chain collaboration.In order to consistently deliver high velocity and quality of applications, engineering teams require visibility into how code is moving from dev to prod in a stable and efficient manner. Just as Observability is changing the way teams managing their applications in production, the concepts of observability apply to the entire software value stream.