Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


IT Ops reporting is broken BigPanda Unified Analytics can help

Your IT Ops execs and your service owners want reports that show easy-to-understand reports on: Application and service uptime and performance, IT Ops and NOC team performance & Incidents by source, severity and other parameters. To do this, your IT Ops team is probably wasting precious hours every week, wrangling with spreadsheets and general-purpose reporting tools are hard to use and update. BigPanda Unified Analytics can change all of that. ..hours that your IT Ops team doesn’t have!

Kubernetes Master Class: Building an Enterprise Kubernetes Strategy

Kubernetes sits at the intersection of DevOps and ITOps and many organizations are trying to figure out key questions, like who should own kubernetes, how many clusters to deploy, how to deliver it as a service, how to build a security policy, and how much standardization is critical for adoption. In this session Rancher founder Shannon Williams will share best practices pulled from working with hundreds of teams to implement a Kubernetes strategy.