Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


NiCE VMware Managemet Pack 5.0 Release Webinar

Health and performance monitoring for your business critical VMware environments is key. The NiCE VMware Management Pack helps you taming highly dynamical virtualized environments. Even overcoming the specter of service outages has become viable. Learn how to leverage your existing investment, reduce costs, save time and build efficiencies that will last beyond your expectations.

k3s -- The Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution Built for the Edge

Kubernetes is pushing out of the data center into stores, networks and factories. DevOps teams are excited about Kubernetes because it provides predictable operations and a cloud-like provisioning experience on just about any infrastructure. For the last year Rancher Labs has been working with organizations to create a lightweight implementation of Kubernetes that is easy to operate and can run on x86 and ARM infrastructure without using more than 512 MB of memory.