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February 2019 Online Meetup: Multi Cluster Applications, Global DNS, and Multi Tenant Catalogs

Rancher 2.2 focuses on day two operations for Kubernetes, the ongoing management tasks that secure clusters, reduce downtime, and keep applications secure. For edge deployments and businesses that run multi-tenant clusters or multiple installations of the same application, Rancher 2.2 Preview 2 introduces features that lighten the workload of operations team, helping to eliminate redundant work and human error. It includes tools for increasing the availability of multi-cluster applications and new options for configuring application catalogs at the cluster and project levels.

Kubernetes Master Class: Getting Your Hands 'Dirty' in Container Sandbox

This session of the Kubernetes Master Class Series addresses the proliferation of "sandboxing" techniques to isolate containers and improve their security posture. We'll provide a short background on the rise of "sandboxing" technology in the global security space and will drill down into different container "sandboxing" technologies and projects.

Container Incidents by Tabletop intro to Real time Security Operations

When suspicious or risky behaviors occur on one of your servers or containers, what can you see and how quickly can you see it? The growing use of complex infrastructure coupled with sophisticated malicious actors requires immediate action when an incident does occur. Preparation is key.