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Exploring OpenTelemetry Collector configurations in Grafana Cloud: a tasting menu approach

I’m a big fan of tasting menus. In the culinary world they let us sample a variety of dishes in small portions, helping us understand and appreciate different flavors and options. Inspired by this concept and a talk I gave earlier this year, I have crafted a “tasting menu” of OpenTelemetry Collector configurations in Grafana Cloud.

How we page ourselves if incident.io goes down

Picture this: your alerting system needs to tell you it's broken. Sounds like a paradox, right? Yet that’s exactly the situation we face as an incident management company. We believe strongly in using our own products - after all, if we don’t trust ourselves to be there when it matters most, why should the thousands of engineers who rely on us every day? However, this poses an obvious challenge.

Status Page Updates: History Calendar and Event Cards Improved

In this update, we’re excited to introduce the latest improvements and new features for the status page. From enhanced navigation to a refreshed design for the Service History Calendar and Event Cards, these changes are designed to provide a smoother and more efficient experience.

Announcing HAProxy ALOHA 16.5

HAProxy ALOHA 16.5 is now available, and we’re delighted to share that this release includes one of the cornerstone security features announced earlier this year—the new Bot Management Module. HAProxy ALOHA customers will also benefit from the new Network Management CLI, secure Wireguard VPN synchronization between appliances, updated root filesystem packages, and the features announced in open source HAProxy 3.0.

Hardware: Definition, Types And Components

It's easy to get caught up in the latest software trends and forget about the physical components that make it all possible. Hardware—the tangible parts of our devices—forms the foundation of all computing systems. Without it, our favorite apps and programs would have nowhere to run. But what exactly is hardware? Do we have a definitive hardware definition? And how important is it?

The Hardware Lifecycle: 4 Essential Stages for Success

No piece of hardware lasts forever. On the contrary, all hardware eventually deteriorates. That’s why it’s crucial to understand and manage each stage an asset goes through, from procurement to disposal. This journey is called the hardware lifecycle, and its management is known as Hardware Lifecycle Management (HLM).

Why Asset Disposal is Crucial for Effective Asset Management

Asset disposition, also known as asset disposal, is the process of removing or discarding assets that are no longer of use to an organization. This process is an essential component of the asset management lifecycle, as it helps organizations free up space, reduce maintenance costs, and avoid the risks associated with holding onto obsolete or underperforming assets. Proper asset disposition ensures that an organization can maximize the value of its assets while minimizing potential liabilities.