August is flying by, but hopefully there’ll still be time to enjoy a few more summer evenings. This week we’re sharing the video demoing the new Explore UI in Grafana from last week’s PromCon, monitoring VMWare’s VKE with Prometheus, hosting a blog on a budget and more.
As you may be aware, we recently rolled out some exciting new features to your off-site status page. In the coming weeks, I’ll be highlighting some of these and taking a closer look at how each may be used to enhance your experience with StatusKeeper and hopefully make your job a little easier.
We live in exciting and worrying times. In serverless and containers, we have two amazing technologies that provide productive, machine-agnostic abstractions for engineers to work with. And yet, there seems to be an unbridgeable chasm between the two camps. If you have read anything I wrote in the last two years, you know that I am firmly in the serverless camp. But I was also an early adopter of containers.
Time for another roundup of recent StackStorm Exchange pack updates. It’s easy to miss the new packs and updates to old ones. This month it’s Bolt, Backups, Slack, Jenkins and more. Read on for details.
You were sold the promise of the cloud. The performance gains were going to make everything better. Costs would go down since you’d only be paying for the resources you were actually using. It sounded magical. You’d look like a star and save your company money. Unfortunately, when all was said and done, the cloud didn’t deliver.