Today’s Cognitive Network Operations Center (Cognitive NOC) is a significant advancement that employs artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to dramatically modernize and improve network management and operations. Working together, the NOC and IT Process Automation (ITPA) propel superior efficiency and effectiveness of network operations, minimize downtime, lower operational costs, and overcome additional challenges in optimizing network performance.
With drift and other issues putting your desired state at risk every day, you may wonder: What is configuration management? And how does it work? Every organization needs to define the ideal configuration of its systems. That ideal configuration, or desired state, is the state in which systems and resources are aligned to support development, network performance, and efficiency. In short, you want your environment to keep running in a desired state. Configuration management helps you do that.
Cybersecurity threats are coming in hot and have quickly become an urgent concern for organizations of all sizes. In response, security teams are shifting away from homegrown security solutions and towards automation using commercially available tools. As organizations seek to improve their security resilience, they find themselves also needing to scale their security teams more efficiently as they address continuous staffing shortages.