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Why is my Website Lagging on Mobile

Accessing a website should be easy, but that’s not always the case when a mobile website is lagging. There are so many requests that are being taken across the globe to provide you with the information and images you need. Here are five common reasons why your website is loading slowly on mobile devices. Your website operates similarly to a vehicle. Whenever a user clicks on your website, they’re turning the key for the engine to start. This sends information to your server so it can load.

Rapitt chooses Mattermost for quick messaging and open source extensibility

Rapitt built their partner store app on top of Mattermost to create a platform that facilitates local commerce. Rapitt digitally connects local business owners with customers to enable specific use cases and transactions—like storing items for a period of time (e.g., a suitcase) and serving as a key-handling solution (e.g., Airbnb hosts can use Rapitt to provide keys to guests).

Five worthy reads: AI and ML: Keys to the next layer of endpoint protection

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we’ll talk about why incorporating AI into your UEM strategy may be inevitable.