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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Is ARM architecture the future of cloud computing?

Central processing units (CPUs) can be compared to the human brain in that their unique architecture allows them to solve mathematical equations in different ways. x86 is the dominant architecture used in cloud computing at the time of this writing; however, it is worth noting that this architecture is not efficient for every scenario, and its proprietary nature is causing an industry shift toward ARM.

Cluster Roll feature enhancements now available

Spot by NetApp’s Ocean includes a powerful feature called “cluster roll.” This feature simplifies applying changes to Kubernetes worker nodes. Typical changes include applying a new image, modifying or adding user data, and updating security groups. A cluster roll applies these changes without having to disable the Ocean autoscaler. It also removes the need for you to manually attach new nodes or remove replaced nodes from the cluster.

Ocean explained: Ocean controller deepdive

As a managed data plane service for containerized applications, Spot Ocean provides a severless experience for running containers in the cloud. Ocean integrates with the control plane of your choice, and handles key areas of infrastructure management, from provisioning compute and autoscaling, to pricing optimization and right-sizing. A core component of Ocean’s architecture is the Ocean controller, which is how Ocean and your Kubernetes cluster integrate and interact.

Be in charge of your cloud costs with these 2021 releases: CloudSpend recap

The widespread adoption of digital transformation triggered by the global health crisis has created a boom. For some businesses, the transition was smooth, but for others, it was an aggressive shift. Out of all the challenges posed by the transition to digital environments, messy cloud cost management and rocketing cloud bills are the most taxing. According to Gartner, through 2024, 60% of infrastructure and operations leaders will bear cloud costs that hurt their on-premises budgets.

PaaS: a better alternative to Kubernetes

Today’s organizations face major challenges in effectively deploying and managing their online services, applications, and websites. In recent years, with interest in infrastructure technologies such as Kubernetes and Docker surging, container orchestration solutions have emerged as a core technology to help overcome challenges and move to a more modern approach.

Harnessing the power of the cloud to create personalized experiences

Technology teams are under more pressure than ever before. They’re balancing the demands of a changing workplace, growing customer expectations, and shifting from traditional to digital delivery. While managing more applications with less visibility, they face expectations to deliver fast, customer-grade experiences. These digital experiences are increasingly enabled by the cloud.

7 AWS Migration Strategies That Can Help Prevent Overspending

Many companies don’t know where to begin when migrating to AWS. Some worry their data will leak, while others don't know the most efficient migration strategy for AWS. Another group worries about overspending when moving to AWS. The migration strategy involved plays a crucial part in all of these concerns. This guide will discuss more than just AWS cloud migration strategies.

Puppet's new Cloud Migration Service helps migrate your PE installation

Adopting a public cloud platform like AWS has many benefits, but the process of moving your existing automation capabilities between on-prem and the cloud can present challenges and make it difficult to take full advantage of cloud. In fact, in a recent survey conducted by Puppet, we learned that many Puppet users are significantly influencing their organizations’ cloud migration planning, indicating that Puppet can play a key role in cloud migration.