The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.
Images are one of the most basic, common attributes for your virtual machines (VMs), and contain the operating system which may be customized with specific installations and features. It is necessary to keep VM images organized and structured so that they are easily maintained, managed, and are accessible. Azure introduced their Shared Image Gallery to help solve this, giving users a way to manage, share and distribute custom images.
Globally the impact of AI is increasingly growing year on year in every industry sector. Opening new scopes in construction & architecture sector, the global AImarket is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 29.4% (around) from 2019 to 2026 and is expected to reach around US$ 2.1 Billion by 2026.
As everything good in life, serverless also comes with its downsides. One of them is the infamous “cold start”. In this article, we’ll cover what they are, what influences serverless startup latency, and how to mitigate its impacts in our applications.
Serverless lets you deploy applications far away in a data center of a cloud provider. This relieves you of the lion’s share of operational burdens. The more you buy into your cloud provider’s ecosystem, the less you have to do yourself: no more OS updates or database bugfix installations. But you still need to do some operation-related work on your own. For instance, monitoring your application to know what’s going on in that far away data center.
CloudOps is on the up. This is in part due to the rapid acceleration of the shift to cloud that was caused by the pandemic. The shift allowed companies to innovate faster, enjoy greater flexibility and scalability, and become more cost efficient. Many organizations who rapidly adopted cloud or increased their usage now realize that they need to better manage their cloud investments in order to fully embrace these benefits.