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Digital Experience Monitoring

The latest News and Information on Digital Experience Monitoring for End Users, Employees and Remote Working.

Betting on complexity and change: Q&A with Paddy Power Betfair's Teodor Olteanu

Over the past year, the pandemic has created a number of new IT challenges, spurred on by the sudden shift to remote work. On the bright side: in the wake of these developments, companies across the globe have taken huge leaps in terms of their IT strategies. One such company is Paddy Power Betfair. When the Irish betting company Paddy Power merged with Betfair in 2016, they created one of the most powerful and unique brands in the world of online gambling.

How to View Office 365 Service Health in CloudReady?

In today’s modern IT world, enterprises are looking to not only streamline their global monitoring operations but also facilitate access to reporting capabilities that provide insight into usage, uptime, and availability of SaaS services. Covid disrupted the work culture and our daily lives. With so many of us working from home, IT leaders and executives are now more than ever interested in ensuring that the cloud services their team relies on are available.

How to Monitor Microsoft SharePoint Online Performance

In this video, we’ll cover the basics of getting started with Exoprise CloudReady and how to set up your first sensor to monitor Microsoft 365 SharePoint from your own locations or behind the firewall. You will learn how to quickly install the management client, add a private site, deploy a SharePoint sensor and visualize the data in the CloudReady platform all in under 5 minutes. CloudReady supports deploying private sensors behind your firewall or public sensors in the cloud for synthetic transaction monitoring. Service watch, on the other hand, can be deployed for real user monitoring of remote user issues.
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Microsoft Teams Optimization for a Remote Workforce

Microsoft Teams is everywhere. Not surprisingly, during the pandemic, the number of daily active users for Teams increased to 75 million in 2020. More and more people are WFH and companies are becoming virtual. Personal meetings are fading now, and Teams poises to become the next best collaboration tool. According to a Riverbed study, 64% of US employees are now working from home because of the Covid pandemic. In turn, Microsoft Teams optimization has become a critical topic for Operations and Network personnel.

3 Ways IT Can Unblock Mergers & Acquisitions Problems in the Pandemic Era

Even when businesses are functioning as usual, mergers and acquisitions are intense and demanding transitions for companies to pull off. From the constant communication required in the preparation phase, to the technical demands of integrating two teams, a merger or acquisition forces companies to exhaust resources in order to make the transition a smooth success. Then the pandemic hit.

Want to be an Effective IT Leader? You Need to Care About Experience Management

What is more important – time saved or time well spent? How you think about this problem and how you’d go about measuring it is an important consideration for managers who aspire to be leaders in today’s digital workplace. In IT and beyond, focusing on experience over service is the difference between managing the status quo and leading a change that pushes an organization forward.

4 Tips for IT to Conquer their Big, Ugly, Remote Experience Challenges

“The best laid plans of mice and men, go oft awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain” It may sound cliché but think back on the 2020 you had laid out and the 2020 you experienced and you’ll know it’s true. No matter what company you work for or what your job description entails, I’m willing to bet you had to throw a lot of good plans out the window when the pandemic hit. And if you didn’t, call me, I’d like your advice on some lottery numbers.