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What Happens to DevOps when the Kubernetes Adrenaline Rush Ends?

Kubernetes has been around for nearly 10 years now. In the past five years, we’ve seen a drastic increase in adoption by engineering teams of all sizes. The promise of standardization of deployments and scaling across different types of applications, from static websites to full-blown microservice solutions, has fueled this sharp increase.

Why is Spark So Slow? 5 Ways to Optimize Spark Today

When Apache Spark works well, it works really well. Sometimes, though, users find themselves asking this frustrating question. Spark is such a popular large-scale data processing framework because it is capable of performing more computations and carrying out more stream processing than many other data processing solutions. Compared to popular conventional systems like MapReduce, Spark is 10-100x faster.

The Quest to Process Microsoft Windows Event Logs in Snare Format with Cribl

One of the things I really love about working for Cribl is the ability to help our customers optimize their data. Microsoft Windows Event Logs are something I have always looked to as a proverbial Rosetta Stone to help translate semi-structured, classic-style events into something more efficient and less resource-intensive to search. Extracting field values requires a large number of regular expressions to parse the events, which isn’t ideal.

Kafka Monitoring Using Prometheus

In this article, we are going to discuss how to set up Kafka monitoring using Prometheus. Kafka is one of the most widely used streaming platforms, and Prometheus is a popular way to monitor Kafka. We will use Prometheus to pull metrics from Kafka and then visualize the important metrics on a Grafana dashboard. We will also look at some of the challenges of running a self-hosted Prometheus and Grafana instance versus the Hosted Grafana offered by MetricFire.

Complete Guide To Grafana Dashboards

Grafana is one of the most popular dashboarding and visualization tools for metrics. The Grafana Dashboards are a very important part of infrastructure and application instrumentation. In this post, we will deep dive into Grafana dashboards. We will create a Grafana dashboard for a VM’s most important metrics, learn to create advanced dashboards with filters for multiple instance metrics, import and export dashboards, learn to refresh intervals in dashboards and learn about plugins.

Reviving Metal Surfaces with Laser Rust Removal: A Cutting-Edge Solution

Laser rust removal is a modern and highly effective method for eliminating rust and corrosion from various surfaces. It is an innovative and precise technique that uses high-intensity laser light to strip away rust, oxides, and other contaminants from metals, without causing damage to the underlying material.

Understanding & Reducing Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

In the dynamic realm of modern business operations, the heartbeat of connectivity relies on the seamless flow of information across networks. Network administrators and IT professionals, entrusted with the pivotal responsibility of maintaining these vital lifelines, understand the significance of every nanosecond.

Exploring systemd journal logs with Netdata

Today, we released our systemd journal plugin for Netdata, allowing you to explore, view, search, filter and analyze systemd journal logs. Like most things about Netdata, this is a zero-configuration plugin. You don’t have to do anything apart from installing Netdata on your systems.This is key design direction for Netdata, since we want Netdata to be able to help even if you install it mid-crisis, while you have an incident at hand.

The Evolution of DevOps From Concept to Best Practice

Software development, the evolution of DevOps has been nothing short of revolutionary. What began as a simple concept has transformed into a best practice that is reshaping the way organisations develop, deploy, and maintain their software. In this blog post, we will take a journey through the evolution of DevOps, from its humble beginnings to its current status as an indispensable part of modern software development.