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Expand your monitoring reach with Datadog's enhanced Azure integration

Microsoft Azure is one of the fastest-growing cloud platforms in the world, offering a wide range of products for deployment, testing, and cloud storage. Datadog is committed to maintaining an extensible monitoring solution for Azure’s growing ecosystem that doesn’t require lots of manual configuration. That’s why we are excited to announce the following enhancements to Datadog’s Azure integration.

How Mercari Scales Vision, Culture, & Reliability

In a recent fireside chat with Mohan Bhatkar, Head of Engineering for the Customer Reliability Platform at Mercari, Inc. sat down with Blameless Co-Founder Ashar Rizqi. They talked about scaling while avoiding silos, exciting day-to-day challenges, instilling a culture of empowerment, and more. Here are their top insights and the lightly edited transcript of their conversation.

Announcing AppSignal for Elixir 2.0

In order to be the best 5-in-1 APM tool for Elixir, we’re constantly working on improving how AppSignal works and integrates with your app. With AppSignal by your side, you’ll have a clear overview of your app’s performance after an installation process that we keep fast and simple. As a first APM for Elixir out there, we’ve always focused on doing all the heavy lifting and providing Elixir developers with a service we’d love to use ourselves.

How to Choose your Monitoring Solution

When we talk about IT support in an organization, it’s not only about resetting passwords or fixing desktops and printers. The most important task for your IT staff is to regularly monitor your network for any emerging issues or threats, and respond on time to ensure that the problem does not interfere with your productivity. However, in an age of growing networks and small budgets, it’s a challenging task that is not easy to handle manually at all times.

Fast scaling for containerized workloads with automatic headroom

High performing container workloads rely on infrastructure to match application demands at a moment’s notice. From scaling bursts that require instant compute availability, to traffic lulls that create infrastructure waste, it’s important to keep both availability and cost in mind during the life of a production application.

Container security on IBM Cloud

If you’re running containers and Kubernetes on IBM Cloud, you can now enable the key security workflows of Sysdig Secure as a service within your IBM Cloud deployments. This makes it easier for you to implement security tools and policies to ensure your containers and your Kubernetes environment are protected and running as intended. The new container and Kubernetes security features are integrated into IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig and offered as an additional service plan.

Kubernetes network policies with Sysdig

Microservices and Kubernetes have completely changed the way we reason about network security. Luckily, Kubernetes network security policies (KNP) are a native mechanism to address this issue at the correct level of abstraction. Implementing a network policy is challenging, as developers and ops need to work together to define proper rules. However, the best approach is to adopt a zero trust framework for network security using Kubernetes native controls.

How small changes to your SLOs can be SMART for your business - A narrative case study

In the second part of his "Choosing SLOs that are appropriate for our customers" blog, Adam Hammond, narrates a fictional case study through Bill Palmer, one of the protagonists of The Phoenix Project and shows "How small changes to your SLOs can be SMART for your business" In our previous blog, we discussed why you need to choose SLOs that are appropriate for your customers. We don’t always write out S M A R T and list our SLOs immediately. The process is organic, and it may take a while.