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How we reduced the AWS costs of our streaming data pipeline by 67%

At Taloflow, we are determined not to be the cobbler whose children went barefoot. We approach our own AWS costs as if we are helping one of our customers. The results are striking and worth sharing. And, with zero upfront or reserved commitments required! This post illustrates how a little bit of diligence and a clear cost objective can end up making a large impact on profitability.

HAProxy Go Packages Ecosystem

Under the hood, the HAProxy Data Plane API and the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller are powered by a shared set of Go libraries that apply changes to an HAProxy configuration file. In this talk, Marko Juraga describes how these libraries are developed and invites you to use them in your own projects when you need to integrate with HAProxy. Watch Marko’s presentation video or read the transcript below. Explore more HAProxyConf 2019 talks in our User Spotlight Series.

The future of workplace messaging

Recently, a colleague of mine joked that she manages a marketing team of three: Claire, Mark, and Sally. The punchline is that she’s referring to Clearbit, Marketo, and Salesforce. She felt that way because they each have their own role with unique insights and jobs, and her team shares information with everyone else the same way she does through chat.

Calico Egress Gateway: Universal Firewall Integration for Kubernetes

New applications and workloads are constantly being added to Kubernetes clusters. Those same apps need to securely communicate with resources outside the cluster behind a firewall or other control point. Firewalls require a consistent IP, but routable IPs are a limited resource that can be quickly depleted if applied to every service.

Updates for the Edge - From Hours to Minutes - Sneak Preview

My name is Kat Cosgrove, and I’m a Developer Advocate at JFrog. Before that, I was an engineer on JFrog’s IoT team. Our goal is to bring DevOps to the edge, because it shouldn’t be as difficult to update these kinds of devices as it currently is. In pursuit of this goal, we found a lot of interesting solutions that we could bring into a CI/CD pipeline for embedded Linux devices, and eventually built a rather flashy proof of concept that put several of these solutions on display.

Icinga Business Process Modelling Version 2.3.0

The Business Process module is used to visualise all the objects in Icinga in a hierarchical format. This way, you can visualise your data in a way that fits its application! You can create custom process-based dashboards and trigger notifications at process or sub-process level. You can also have a quick top-level view for thousands of components on a single screen.

Using context to triage change-triggered incidents

One of the first things incident managers do when they get an alert page from Zenduty is to check the “Context” tab of the incident. Incident context is extremely critical to get a first responder’s view of what happened and what could possibly have caused it. Context tells you what happened before an incident. In the case of 40–50% of all incidents, Zenduty’s incident context can tell you within 5–10 seconds, what could be the cause of an incident.

Easy automated E2E testing & monitoring for your frontend with Vercel and Checkly

Exciting times ahead. With the Jamstack gaining momentum, the landscape around it is offering more and more tools to streamline developer workflows and free up time for actual development. A cutting edge solution in this interesting space is Vercel, formerly known as ZEIT. In this blog post we will get a taste of Vercel's capabilities by using it to deploy and preview a sample Gatsby blog - and while we're at it, we will of course take the chance to kick off some checks automatically from Checkly.