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Monitoring AWS Application-Related Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a suite of tools that help application development teams enhance and streamline their work experience, from the backend to frontend services. LogicMonitor consolidates data from these services and empowers users to monitor them side by side with the rest of their infrastructure, whether it’s in the Cloud or on-premises. Keep reading for tips on monitoring some of these services to ensure business continuity.

Migrating Management Packs When Upgrading SCOM

Management Packs contain the actual monitoring (the workflows themselves) as well as extend the SCOM platforms functionality and are critical to getting your new SCOM Management Group up and running. The good news is most of SCOM Management Packs that worked with SCOM 2012 R2 work right through to SCOM 2019, so you are safe to import them into your new Management Group.

Alert Tuning for Your Upgraded SCOM Environment

If you know which MPs your overrides are stored in, then migrating your current effective tuning is as easy as exporting all of your override MPs, and then importing them into your new SCOM Management Group, assuming you have already imported the MPs containing the monitoring itself. As you also know, in most SCOM deployments, this is never reality across the board.

Schedule Security Scans in Rancher 2.4

Rancher 2.4, the latest release of Rancher’s Kubernetes management platform, includes a new CIS security scanning feature. The Center for Internet Security publishes more than 100 benchmarks for Kubernetes, which are considered the default standard benchmark for defining security of Kubernetes clusters. With Rancher 2.4, CIS scanning is an integrated part of the Rancher UI itself for RKE clusters. If you create or import any RKE cluster via Rancher, CIS Scan will work flawlessly.

How a Hackathon Led to 80% Fewer Rollbar Items

Earlier this year, we were invited to Threadup’s wonderful office space in Oakland to be one of the presenters at their quarterly Hackathon. Thredup, a fashion retail marketplace with over 35,000 brands, has been one of our key customers since 2013. We soon realized this wasn’t a normal Hackathon. This hackathon was dedicated to instrumentation and monitoring.

Celebrate those little wins to keep your team motivated

The uncertainty fatigue is real. Those “how we’re handling COVID” emails from every business we’ve ever patronized have died down and many of us have settled into something resembling a routine, but most of us are still isolated from friends and family. We’re gearing up for a long summer of, yes, more uncertainty, with only the dim hope of an ambiguous return to “normal life” to cling to.

Are speed and security mutually exclusive?

Here’s a situation that is likely familiar to you if you work in enterprise IT. The need for strong security practices is more pressing than ever, with known vulnerabilities growing exponentially, and nearly half of companies having experienced a data breach in the last two years. At the same time, organizations face demands to deploy software faster, and more frequently. IT executives consistently identify cybersecurity and speed among their top priorities.

Mattermost as a communication gateway

The Mattermost platform is a powerful messaging tool that enables secure team collaboration. Rather than creating unique Mattermost plugins for each tool, Cognitio created a custom SMTP mail intercept capability that leverages AWS Lambda functionality and custom code to create integrations for a number of third-party applications.