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Is it All About the Brand? Yes and No!

Working for a company, you always want to think that your product or service is superior to the competition. As a Marketing executive, a major part of my job is to highlight why Ribbon is a leader in delivering IP Optical and Cloud & Edge solutions to the largest service providers, enterprises and critical infrastructure companies all over the world. But how do our customers perceive us? What do they really think of the Ribbon brand? How do we fare against our competitors in customers’ minds?

The HAProxy APIs

The HAProxy load balancer provides a set of APIs for configuring it programmatically. Although many people enjoy the simplicity of configuring their HAProxy load balancer by directly editing its configuration file, /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, others want a way to do it without logging into the server. Or, they want a way that integrates with bespoke software. For example, they want to add pools of servers to the load balancer programmatically as a part of their CI/CD deployment pipeline.

What Is Network Traffic Analysis? A Helpful Walkthrough

Network traffic analysis is the method of collecting, storing, and analyzing traffic across your network. Traffic data is collected in or near real time so you can have up-to-the-second information about what’s happening. This allows you to take action immediately if a problem arises. You can also store this data for historical analysis.

What Is Network Traffic and How Do You Monitor It?

“Network traffic” is a term that describes the influx and outflux of network packets within an organization’s network. Understanding and monitoring this traffic is an important step in protecting an organization’s health. This blog post discusses what network traffic is, the different types, and how you can monitor it.

Detailed Guide to Basic Switch Configuration

Though I’m a big believer in the importance of network configuration management , even I’ll admit that network switch configuration from a command-line interface (CLI) is still one of the most fundamental network engineering skills you can have. It’s also one of the harder things to pick up if you’re new to the field. And it’s not just knowing what commands to enter. It isn’t always obvious what should be part of a basic configuration.
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Maintaining Internet Privacy for Your Business

Every time you use the internet, online service providers collect some data about you and your business. Internet privacy isn't just a concern of large corporations. According to statistics, up to 43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses. Furthermore, only 14% of these vulnerable organizations have effective mitigation measures in place. As digital data grows, cybersecurity should become your highest priority.

7 email blocked list prevention practices for businesses

Email blocked listing is a major problem, but sometimes overlooked in the conversation around spam and email threat prevention . The impact on a business can be devastating if it isn’t caught in time, especially if the company relies on email marketing for lead generation and customer correspondence. While it’s possible to recover from the effects, it’s a complicated process and may set back productivity in the meantime.

Install HAProxy on Ubuntu

Learn how to Install HAProxy on Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 20.04 is a great choice for installing your HAProxy software load balancer. It’s a free Linux operating system that’s fast, secure, and best of all, it’s easy to use. One of the features that makes Ubuntu so accessible to even the newest of users is its package manager, apt , the Advanced Packaging Tool.