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How we designed CFEngine Build, a complete journey

Have you ever wondered how a site was designed and how the ideas were conceptualized into a webpage? If your answer is yes, you are in the right place! In this post, I will show you our journey to create our latest web page, CFEngine Build. From start to finish, how did we do the design and make the design decisions? So without further delay, let’s jump straight in!

School Security in 2021: Hybrid-Cloud, Device Management Driving IT Challenges

Coming into the new school year, school IT leaders are experiencing many of the same challenges that other industries have faced since transitioning to remote and hybrid models. Most notably, an ever-growing number of devices, SaaS applications, and hybrid- or multi-cloud environments has strained a largely decentralized approach to IT management that simply can’t keep up with the demands of a modern organization.

How to connect Puppet Enterprise to Okta using SAML

Nowadays, staff in organizations are required to access multiple applications in their infrastructure. This can lead to the user having to manage multiple login credentials and passwords. There are many solutions available that provide a single sign-on (SSO) capability — such as Okta, LDAP, and Active Directory — which is becoming common practice across businesses.

Introducing Logz.io Event Management: Accelerating Collaborative Threat Response

In the domain of cyber threat response, there’s a critical resource that every organization is desperately seeking to maximize: time. It’s not like today’s DevOps teams aren’t already ruthlessly focused on optimizing their work to unlock the greater potential of their human talent. Ensuring your organization to identify and address production issues faster – and increase focus on innovation – is the primary reason why Logz.io and its observability platform exist.

Real-time threat response for Kubernetes workloads, using threat intelligence feeds and deep packet inspection

Cloud-native transformations come with many security and troubleshooting challenges. Real-time intrusion detection and the prevention of continuously evolving threats is challenging for cloud-native applications in Kubernetes. Due to the ephemeral nature of pods, it is difficult to determine source or destination endpoints and limit their blast radius. Traditional perimeter-based firewalls are not ideal fit for Kubernetes and containers.

Python Malware Imitates Signed PyPI Traffic in Novel Exfiltration Technique

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to report vulnerable and malicious packages to repository maintainers. Earlier this year we disclosed several malicious packages targeting developers’ private data that were downloaded approximately 30K times. Today, we will share details about 11 new malware packages that we’ve recently discovered and disclosed to the PyPI maintainers (who promptly removed them).
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Black Friday: How Retailers Can Create an Optimal Online Experience

For about a year and a half now, traditional window shopping has been replaced in many places by online shopping sprees. Particularly as the coronavirus pandemic began, general shopping behavior has shifted toward e-commerce. And although most stores have now returned from lockdown to open their store doors, there is no denying the online shopping industry is still thriving. For the second year in a row, the holiday shopping season is also directly affected by this trend.

User-scoped API Keys

Checkly has released a change to the way API keys are created and managed. In the past, API keys were account-scoped. These account-scoped keys have full access rights to your Checkly account and no accountability to which user is using the key. When we originally built Checkly, we made it a tool to enable individual developers to quickly and easily set up browser and API checks. We help ensure your web applications are up and running and send alerts when something goes wrong.

A comprehensive lifecycle approach to ransomware defense

Ransomware continues to be a costly and growing problem. According to Infosecurity Magazine, the number of ransomware attacks grew 288% between the first and second quarters of 2021. Cybersecurity Ventures estimated a ransomware attack occurs every 11 seconds, Cybercrime Magazine reports. The resulting price tag from ransomware is truly staggering.