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Defense Department Cybersecurity: All Ahead on Zero Trust

With the Defense Department’s quick and successful pivot to a remote workforce last Spring via its Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) environment, it proved that the future to fully operate from anywhere in the world is now. Gone are the days of thousands of civilian employees heading into the Pentagon or other installations everyday. However, with this new disparate workforce comes increased risks for network security. As my colleague Bill Wright expertly noted last Summer.

Sysdig contributes Falco's kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the CNCF

Today, I’m excited to announce the contribution of the sysdig kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The source code of these components will move into the Falco organization and be hosted in the falcosecurity github repository. These components are at the base of Falco, the CNCF tool for runtime security and de facto standard for threat detection in the cloud.

What's new in Sysdig - February 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig. Our team continues to work hard to bring great new features to all of our customers, automatically and for free! We hope you all managed to make it through January, and happy Lunar New Year! February welcomes the launch of our always-popular fourth annual Sysdig Container Security and Usage report, which looks at how global Sysdig customers of all sizes and industries are using and securing container environments.

Sysdig achieves Red Hat Vulnerability Scanner Certification

Image vulnerability scanning is a critical first line of defense for security with containers and Kubernetes. Today, Red Hat recognized Sysdig as a certified Red Hat security partner based on our work to standardize on Red Hat’s published security data with Sysdig Secure.

A Path to Proactive Security Through Automation

The sheer number of cyberattacks launched against organizations every year is massive and growing. If you’re a security analyst working in a SOC or security team, tasked with defending your organization, that means you’re getting bombarded by many more attacks than the recorded numbers above would suggest. These attacks translate into security alerts — fired from your various security tools — that you must investigate and resolve.

Dangerous defaults that put your IT environment at risk: IT security under attack

In this blog in the “IT security under attack” series, we wanted to shed some light on an unfamiliar and seldom discussed topic in IT security: the default, out-of-the-box configurations in IT environments that may be putting your network and users at risk. Default settings, and why the initial configuration is not the most secure.

5 trends that will define endpoint management in 2021 and beyond

2020 was a year of tremendous dejection and disruption. Imagine if you had told your organization’s upper management that they had to switch their 10,000 or 20,000 strong corporate office to the virtual world back in January 2020. They would have flipped. Despite all the fear and loss that 2020 brought, we capitalized on the opportunities. And even a year later, there are still possibilities galore.

Kubernetes admission controllers in 5 minutes

Admission controllers are a powerful Kubernetes-native feature that helps you define and customize what is allowed to run on your cluster. As watchdogs, they can control what’s going into your cluster. They can manage deployments requesting too many resources, enforce pod security policies, and even block vulnerable images from being deployed. In this article, you’ll learn what admission controllers are in Kubernetes and how their webhooks can be used to implement image scanning.

RapidSpike Turns 6

Picture the scene. It’s 9am on a cold, wet, January Sunday morning in 2015 and I’m trudging up Merrion Street in Leeds. Recently made redundant, I’m on my way to a coffee shop that I’m desperately hoping is open. Am I a coffee aficionado desperate for a fix? Am I getting pumped for a gym session? Do I just enjoy walks in the rain? No. I’m on my way to a job interview.

Top 5 SIEM trends of 2021 and how Elastic Security solves them

Security information and event management (SIEM) systems are centralized logging platforms that enable security teams to analyze event data in real time for early detection of targeted cyber attacks and data breaches. A SIEM is used as a tool to collect, store, investigate, and report on log data for threat detection, incident response, forensics, and regulatory compliance.